
How To Get Unstuck?

9 posts in this topic

I was very sheltered growing up. I'm 27 living with my parents who are narcissistic/toxic. For the past week I haven't left my house. I have no money(had 10 dollars which my mother stole). No work experience. No clean clothes. No friends. I contemplate innerwork all day keeps me from worrying about eating. What would you do in my situation? I'm positive minded and can see the humor in the situation. I can only go up from here. 

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@Endew I would say self acceptance is the place to start, to let that flame of hope and positivity grow that you've already sparked as I can tell from your last  sentences 

Its about being kind to yourself by understanding that you're not in a 'low position' but it's simply a 'human position' with no connotations of good or bad. You are adequate, and this is adequate, and whatever you do from here-on out is about nourishing growth from a place of prosperity which you build in your mind. 

Good luck, the world is your oyster so you can't get eaten up by it! 

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Take small steps towards positivity. Every journey starts with a single step. No use in judging your parents nor your own situation, you have created your current situation and you can create a new, more positive one. There is nothing to lose in life, only if you think you do.

What would I do if I was you? Obviously I'm not you but I'd look for a job and take any job I could get my hands on, just doing something is way better than just sitting around in a negative environment.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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@Endew I would take out a student loan and go back to school, at least part-time, and work somewhere part-time. This would give you a goal to work towards, an opportunity to create results in your life, to be more independent and self-sufficient.

Also, look for positive people to surround yourself with who will support, encourage, and cheer you up in your journey. And learn about personal boundaries and how to assert yourself and say no, even to your parents. They don't own you. 

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On 5/4/2016 at 6:29 PM, Endew said:

I was very sheltered growing up. I'm 27 living with my parents who are narcissistic/toxic. For the past week I haven't left my house. I have no money(had 10 dollars which my mother stole). No work experience. No clean clothes. No friends. I contemplate innerwork all day keeps me from worrying about eating. What would you do in my situation? I'm positive minded and can see the humor in the situation. I can only go up from here. 

I dont see the humor in this situation, it is apparent that this inner work that you are doing is producing nothing of value for you. Even a self realized being, which you are not, has a responsibility to care for and take care of themselves.  Your problems are far more than you have revealed here.   I am not going to try to make you feel better by this response,  it is time you faced some reality about your life and what you are doing, and given what you have said here about your life, i suspect you need some real help, a real job, and begin to take better care of yourself and set some goals in life to at least get you to where you can care for yourself properly and maybe at some point inner work will begin to mean something that might be of value.  This is straight up, and that is what you have needed for some time.

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@charlie2dogs The most effective way is to drop all the self- actualizing and get my sh*t together, Then think about innerwork later?

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52 minutes ago, Endew said:

@charlie2dogs The most effective way is to drop all the self- actualizing and get my sh*t together, Then think about innerwork later?

sounds like you answered your own question, good luck

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On 5/4/2016 at 1:29 AM, Endew said:

What would you do in my situation?

RUN ! 




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What you want to do is continue with self~actualization work.  The reason I recommend this to you now is because I know from experience that if you try to force yourself to live a lifestyle that is not in sync with your beliefs, you will be rolling a boulder uphill only to watch it roll back down again. Beliefs are very powerful forces that run your life, and if you can become aware of the beliefs holding you back and change them into beliefs that serve you, then your life will be transformed without you having to do very much work at all -

I recommend doing only very specific type of self actualization techniques.

If you have not done already, take up a contemplative meditation practice.  Vipassana meditation is good.

Become aware of and examine the beliefs you hold about yourself and about life that have been driving your thoughts, feelings and choices.  If you do this you will start to make a connection between your lifestyle and the hidden beliefs you are holding inside.  You will begin to realise that your beliefs are not your life situation, but are really just made up in your head.  If you can see this for yourself and come to terms with the knowledge that your beliefs are only inside your mind and that you are the one doing this to yourself, you will be able to reprogramme your reality gradually and create your life purpose - become the person you want to be, not the person you currently think you are!


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