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Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj

Myths About Nonduality And Science By Gary Weber

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This is why I say Buddhism/Hinduism is not a religion (unless you make it one), and why you do not need faith to know enlightenment. 

What he is basically restating is what Tolle has also said.  At the start of "enlightenment", you stop seeing things as "other things", and your labeling mind quiets down a lot.   The mind you get when you are meditating and focusing on something becomes the pseudo "default".  You are just in your mind, and it is quiet. When you stop labeling others, you also stop labeling yourself (unless you want to).   It will not be an obsessive loop. 

Some other things to think about, is that this is all from a point of view of rationality (which may or may not be correct) and has been intentionally secularized (which is coloring it with a certain view).  The brain's neural network does not explain conciousness, or why we are conscious of qualia. The secularization is understandable though, this is probably to make it palatable for people that are not interested in the more... "mystic" parts of the path.  And it is the only way to make it unbiased, as he spoke about at the end of the talk.

Was an interesting video, thank you for sharing! 

Edited by SkyPanther

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A simulation of how the neural networks work in the brain:


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