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Pondering on "What Is Reality - A Radical Explanation"

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I am referring to this video:

I want to start out by saying that I am willing to entertain the notion that Leo's explanation of reality might be 100% true.
However... I still have some objections to the video:
1. Am I in Leo's imagination, or is he in mine? Are we both in God's imagination? If so why is my awareness limited to my perceptions and experiences only?
Why is Leo more spiritually advanced than me if we are being imagined by the same thing - what is the value in imagining less-spiritually developed beings?
2. If psychedelic hallucinations are real, then why is it that people on psychedelics who jump from their balconies to fly actually fall and die? Why do people return from a PCP trip to find they have killed their family and ate someone's finger? It doesn't seem plausible that one would imagine this upon coming down from their PCP trip. It also seems to happen on specific psychedelics as well suggesting that the psychedelic is more responsible for the end-result than the one taking them.
3. He says one is able to do anything as long as they are willing to let go of their current state/dimension/w/e . In other words if I am willing to be completely obliterated in this dimension with no trace of ever existing/complete suicide, then I should be able to imagine myself as a night elf in a mystical forest. How does this work? Why doesn't Leo prove that it's possible instead of just saying it?
4. All these ugly buildings in my city are too unsophisticated to be imagined by an artist like me. I don't see how I imagined these. If I had to imagine a city I would do a way prettier job, so it doesn't seem likely that I imagined this.
5. This might be obvious but why would I imagine cancer or aging?
6. If I am the one who's imagining everything the why are there people who know stuff that I don't know and why do I not know everything there's to know?
7. If god is eternal and has always been where he is as the foundation of everything else, then why does it exist. Why is there something rather than nothing?
8. Why is anything imagined in the psychedelic state gone once the chemical is cleared out of the system?
9. And last but not least - If I am in control then why is life so god damn hard? Why isn't it at least a bit more effortless and easy? What is the value of everything being so hard? Suffering 10 torments of hell for one brief moment of happiness.

I know that probably I don't really get what Leo's saying and I also realize there's nothing in common between Ego and Awareness however the questions still stand - doesn't really matter whether I tatsumaru, or I awareness or I god imagined all this. For pain and suffering to exist I would have to imagine them in the first place - why would I imagine anything like that?

Also consider this...
When we are dreaming at night and especially if we learn to lucid dream it's not at all hard to manipulate your environment in any way shape or form. You don't need to spend decades unlearning your Ego or anything like that. When we are on psychedelics it's similar - the magic just happens. However in this so called "ordinary" state of mind nothing happens and no one ever anywhere seems to be able to do anything like that. So I am little doubtful that those are the exact mechanics of how reality works. But hey if it's true it's true, Leo please change something of epic proportions with your imagination then it will be obvious this is indeed the case and the whole world will want to become spiritual.

Edited by tatsumaru

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