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Personalized Guidance Thread Request

3 posts in this topic

Would someone be willing to create a thread with the intent of providing personalized guidance to young seekers? 

You could choose how many seekers to guide at one time, and could easily juggle a few at a time... 

You could form your own unique way of guiding, but I would assume you could evaluate 'where a seeker is' with a series of questions or taking time to get to know them. Your guidance will help uncover blocks in the seeker's path, and is not really meant to provide all the answers that the seeker cannot search for himself. Or whatever you wanna do of course. 

I think a thread like this would be fun and constructive, and also a great way to use this modern day library of Alexandria (forum) to evolve your teaching skills. 

I know there could be an issue with misdirection, but I really think it would be minor - and perhaps educational for you, the guide, to be challenged on your teachings from time to time. As long as it doesn't spark any nonduality wars of course! And surely any guides would be sage enough not to get offended or triggered by any criticisms, right? ;)

I myself feel nowhere near ready to do a thread like this, but would love to sign up for guidance.  I tend to benefit from the teacher/student dynamic, probably because it gives me someone to please, and I'm a people pleaser. And yes, someday I might transcend the need to please others, and this dynamic will no longer be effective. But for now I would greatly enjoy it and I think I'm just spinning wheels doing this alone. Please reserve me a slot in your openings for students. 

Thank you ?



Edited by seeking_brilliance

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