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Want to channel insights? Start running.

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I believe that everyone is really unique and has different techniques that work really well for them. I've had a lot of growth from running which seems to increase the more and more I learn about and practice spirituality. Running is an amazing combination of focusing on your breath, body awareness, meditation and its secret power is that it puts you into a flow state of cognition. You will have less thoughts but they will be from a creative place, (none other than Source, Love, God, the Universe, etc).

There is also potential for the mind to run rampant in negativity, so unless you are consciously doing shadow work or working through something (for which running is also amazing), you need a little bit of focus. I find it a lot easier to focus while running than during sitting meditation though I currently do both, it's as if my body is doing some of the work for me when running. If you start to notice any discomfort, direct your attention to focus on your breath, surroundings, or come back to the space of awareness. Your brain releases chemicals (dopamine) during exercise which naturally boosts your mood but I suspect there's a lot more going on than just that. Don't be much concerned about mileage, or your speed. Running in nature or in a quiet place (not a lot of traffic) outside is ideal if you can. 

I find it helpful to balance out meditation the purpose of which is to clear the mind of thoughts, with a practice that has a very lose purpose. For me running is so effective maybe because I'm accepting of what ever state I'm in, whether if I have few thoughts, no thoughts or a lot of thoughts. Sitting would be too free structured for me, but the running grounds me and puts me in a different state. Walking can have similar results but there's something about running that really intensifies the effect at least for myself. 



My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Movement is all powerful form of meditation for me. My greatest meditative states have been during various less structured forms of fitness (weight lifting, playing soccer, yoga, rock climbing, swimming)Occasionally ill tune into the "running channel". I don't particularly like running so much on it's own possibly because i would rather be chasing a ball.

Perhaps what makes running so powerful for insights is the conditioning aspect. It forces more breathing, often deeper breathes. In every form of phsycal activity, to use the breath as an anchor for grounding and creating space between thoughts and for awareness, there's going to be certain freedom. Freedom to exist with existing, simply energy in motion  

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1 minute ago, DrewNows said:

Movement is all powerful form of meditation for me. My greatest meditative states have been during various less structured forms of fitness (weight lifting, playing soccer, yoga, rock climbing, swimming)Occasionally ill tune into the "running channel". I don't particularly like running so much on it's own possibly because i would rather be chasing a ball.

Perhaps what makes running so powerful for insights is the conditioning aspect. It forces more breathing, often deeper breathes. In every form of phsycal activity, to use the breath as an anchor for grounding and creating space between thoughts and for awareness, there's going to be certain freedom. Freedom to exist with existing, simply energy in motion  

Hmm... You've got me thinking, the deep breathing and maybe also the fact that the spine is straight while running, at least if you run with good form? I love yoga, swimming and sometimes weights but they seem too broken up for me to get into a good flow state. I'm sure if I was better practiced with them that that wouldn't be the case. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 hour ago, mandyjw said:

Hmm... You've got me thinking, the deep breathing and maybe also the fact that the spine is straight while running, at least if you run with good form? I love yoga, swimming and sometimes weights but they seem too broken up for me to get into a good flow state. I'm sure if I was better practiced with them that that wouldn't be the case. 

Running was learned at a young age so it often doesn't require much mental processing, however, any other physical activity can become this way with enough practice and often relational, inner work/body awareness. Posture is interesting. If you've seen martin ball's videos on some of his yoga poses and stuff, especially for doing psychs, it appears to go along with "opening" chakras and stuff, which may result in the insights. You can briefly view this video if you want to see some of what im talking about 

"bilateral symmetry" so fascinating

edit: ⚠️ holy shit be careful with this video, if you haven’t done any sort of psychedelics it could be terrifying 

Edited by DrewNows

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more thoughts on insight/running 

running/cold showers/activity that cause blood circulation/breathing all seem to trigger a mental reset or clearing of the mind. From here it is easier to tap into INSIGHTS relating life to itself without there being a you, narrowing the focus to perception from a sense of self


Edited by DrewNows

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Shall I tell you why 

running doesn’t put you in the now, it puts you in the process of intense focus. Intense focus of any kind is a samadhi state and therefore you can embed insights while running

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