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My struggles with Spirituality

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In this journal I will discuss my struggles with religion throughout my childhood years. My constant battle with religion and atheism and spirituality. 

My struggle with my beliefs in God and spirituality. 

Beginning with grace 5 spiritual home. 

Edited by Preety_India

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Grace or endurance and wisdom and acceptance 








Protection from false preachers 


Charity and refuge and rehabilitation 

Community services 

The path


Gratitude and a relationship of trust and love





Receiving grace 


Saving. Spiritual saving and saving for healing and protection. 

Struggle. Struggle against life

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? Showing grace 1 

Effortless flow through life



? Showing grace 2 

Bring honour. 



?Showing grace 3 

To show civility,gentility,modesty 




?Showing grace 4

To show Openness and generosity 

To show abundance 


?Showing grace 5

To show endurance, patience and courage and acceptance and acknowledgement. 

Showing the other cheek. 




?Showing grace 6

To show the blessed nature of the spirit. 

To live by grace. To be blessed 

Be anointed. 



?Showing grace 7


To live in grace. 

To live in God's provision. 



?Showing grace 8

To live through grace 

To be forgiven in Atonement by God's grace 


?Showing grace 9 

To accept grace. 

To come to God and cultivate this quality. Through your first prayer. And to show renewed strength and faith despite trials and setbacks. 

? Showing grace 10

By showing humility and praising God. By silencing the ego and understanding the greatness of the universe and God. 

?Showing grace 11

By showing fortitude and resilience 

?Showing grace 12

By showing wisdom and discernment 



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? Prayer service 

? Reflection service 

? Grace. Receiving grace 

? Guidance service 

? Connection.. Divine connection. Daily service. 

? Healing service 

? Resonance 

? Worship service 

? Growing in God service. Daily


? Grace service 




Receiving grace is of 2 types 

? Receiving daily grace 

? Receiving grace for the first time. Accepting God as a savior. First prayer. 

Edited by Preety_India

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August 3

Grace 5 Spiritual Home. 

? Prayer service 

? Reflection service 

? Grace. Receiving grace 

? Guidance 

? Connection.. Divine connection. Daily service. 

? Community services 

? Charity 

? Physical healing 

? Atonement healing


? Meditation and contemplation 

?Institutional help

? Your struggle 

? The path 

? Worship service 

? Discernment 

? Growing in God service. Daily


? Grace service 


?  Salvation - a feeling of security, peace, serenity and fulfillment. Like you found home at last

? Resources 

Edited by Preety_India

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Is live in God. Live like God. 

Living in God means being fully surrendered and to live like how God wanted us to live as people. Also to have full faith without doubt and to fully immerse ourselves in God's care and qualities. Live in God as though God will handle everything and leave unto him. Living in God also means living a spiritual life, to surround yourself with God, just as living an organic life would mean surrounding yourself with nature. 

Live like God means becoming more and more like God. Embody him and reflect his virtues. 

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Salvation is such a beautiful feeling. 


When I think of God it feels like peace, pure love, pure Bliss, freedom and fulfillment. 

Edited by Preety_India

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9 hours ago, Preety_India said:

August 3

Grace 5 Spiritual Home. 

? Prayer service 

? Reflection service 

? Grace. Receiving grace 

? Guidance 

? Connection.. Divine connection. Daily service. 

? Community services 

? Charity 

? Physical healing 

? Atonement healing


? Meditation and contemplation 

?Institutional help

? Your struggle 

? The path 

? Worship service 

? Discernment 

? Growing in God service. Daily


? Grace service 


?  Salvation - a feeling of security, peace, serenity and fulfillment. Like you found home at last

? Resources 


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9 hours ago, Preety_India said:


August 3

Grace 5 Spiritual Home. 

? Prayer service 

? Reflection service 

? Grace. Receiving grace 

? Guidance 

? Connection.. Divine connection. Daily service. 

? Community services 

? Charity 

? Physical healing 

? Atonement healing


? Meditation and contemplation 

?Institutional help

? Your struggle 

? The path 

? Worship service 

? Discernment 

? Growing in God service. Daily


? Grace service 


?  Salvation - a feeling of security, peace, serenity and fulfillment. Like you found home at last

? Resources 


images - 2019-08-03T102200.215.jpeg


Edited by Preety_India

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God is salvation 






11 hours ago, Preety_India said:

August 3

Grace 5 Spiritual Home. 

? Prayer service 

? Reflection service 

? Grace. Receiving grace 

? Guidance 

? Connection.. Divine connection. Daily service. 

? Community services 

? Charity 

? Physical healing 

? Atonement healing


? Meditation and contemplation 

?Institutional help

? Your struggle 

? The path 

? Worship service 

? Discernment 

? Growing in God service. Daily


? Grace service 


?  Salvation - a feeling of security, peace, serenity and fulfillment. Like you found home at last

? Resources 


Edited by Preety_India

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The attraction to carnal desires rather than spiritual desires is the root cause of suffering. 


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5 things under guidance 

?Resonance, this means submersion or immersion. 

?Surrender - this needs total trust 

? Absorbing. This will need awareness, discernment, judging, observation, and learning and absorbing. 

?Creation... Creating a system or a framework 

?Formation... Being. Inculcating. Cultivating. 

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?Resonance, this means submersion or immersion. 

? Inspiration.. This means an example to follow or learn from. For example, to become one with nature, you have to first be exposed to it. For it to be followed it should be in front of you as an example. Only then you will get inspired by it. Inspiration means having an example to follow and absorb from. It's the object of observation. 

?Surrender - this needs total trust 

? Absorbing. This will need awareness, discernment, judging, observation, and learning and absorbing. 

?Creation... Creating a system or a framework 

?Formation... Being. Inculcating. Cultivating. 

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I should be judged for my weakness??? 

I should be judged for my inabilities and lack of strength? 

I should be judged for being supportless?? 

Yet someone who has a jail record should not be judged??? 

A person who is failing in their health, they should be judged because they are getting fat and ugly because of their health problems, they are getting obese because of their stress, they should be judged, because in your sick head they don't conform to social standards of perfection??? Fuck you!!!!

Fuck you for judging me for being weak and fighting my battle. 

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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