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How people are misunderstanding “eternity”

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The concept of eternity is prevalent in spirituality. However, I’ve noticed that this will solve a good chunk of understanding. 

The definition of eternity is “forever” 

our traditional scientific culture has related this to the time line and started it at the point of the conceptual Big Bang, to this present age and the future’s we will all experience. 

Our 3d reality with height, width and depth is a static snapshot in time. A picture perfect moment. 

This 3d reality is moving along a 4 dimensional space. A time line. Now traditional science would say that the past, future and present occur on this time line. So we would consider that every event to ever take place has 

a) taken place 

b) will take place 

c) is taking place 

that’s how 99% of people here I’ve seen define eternity. And then ask questions about every event in eternity having taken place and is set in stone. 

However, the real defintion of eternity is: 

“ happening forever without a begginning or an end” 

What this means is that eternity is not a static process but an active process that is happening forever. 

When I say absolute infinity is all possibilities. Someone might assume all possibilities have already happened. 

NO I’m saying there is no beginning or end. Absolute infinity will continue to produce all possibilities “forever for eternity” 

do you see the difference ? 

Apply this to god’s mind and just how god works and see how your imagination and understanding of god changes. 

It has always been here and WILL always be here. YOU AS GOD HAVE BEEN SITTING IN THIS EXACT SPOT FOREVER. everything and nothing happening nowhere , no place, no time, no when, no how. JUST RIGHT HERE 

Edited by Aakash

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I suppose we could speak of eternity in multiple dimensions. Most people speak of eternity as an infinite horizontal axis of infinite past, present and infinite future. Yet as you’ve suggested, there is also eternity along the vertical axis of Now. Much fewer people seem aware of this and far fewer have direct experience here, because humans are conditioned to perceive and think of reality as past-present-future. 

Most people’s sense of “now” still has a tiny piece of the horizontal time axis. Without that, there is no longer “now”, because there is no “not now” to contrast “now” with. 

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@Serotoninluv yes, eternity I feel is a concept that helps you understand the magnitude of god. Without eternity having any dimensions as you know and have directly experienced. 

Hitler is standing and giving a speech to a crowd exactly where your sitting now. Mike Tyson is currently located exactly where you are. 

Eternity is

no up, no down, no left, no right, no centre , no diagonal vectors, no inside, no outside, no time , no past, no future, no present 

as you know

Edited by Aakash

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I don’t quite see it like that. I think parts of your description conflate duality and nonduality. 

It would be like saying a chicken is a hamster. In a nondual context, it’s technically true, yet a sloppy way to say it and it could be misinterpreted as literally a chicken is a hamster -  rather than . This conflates duality and nonduality imo. I think a better way to phrase it would be everything os One, thus a chicken and hamster are both One (as is everything).

You are also introducing ideas of object-space. This is an area I’m interested  in exploring, yet not the area of my deepest and broadest understanding. 

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This version includes both of those version because all is inside, but what you said is what I was getting at in the first place. 

The dimensions are just for understanding for scientific overlap. This eternity would contain infinity to infinity, absolute infinity as the eternal. 

You get the idea! Good luck with your research. Ahaha dimensions should be the lowest priority for everyone besides those taking psychadelics ? But dimensions is totally radical, all the elves are still in 3d dimension 

Edited by Aakash

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