
What is love?

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@SunnyNewDay the way to discern what an enlightened being knows is to ask them questions and see what words they use to respond. 

The other main one is this, how they demonise others. It’s the number one sign of someone who hasn’t accepted everything as part of themselves and isn’t showing a loving manner towards it. 

The third way is to ask them what absolute infinity is. If they can’t answer that god is outside of them and that they are a fraction of god. Then they aren’t aware of what the truth is. 

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  On 8/6/2019 at 8:05 PM, AlldayLoop said:

If you are 100% certain about this, aren’t you considering creating a course or a mini series about it?

Or is even the use of language and real life example not going to cut it?

Sorry for cutting in but....the entire catalog, all of his work, all the videos are already that. When you deconstruct everything, do the work so to speak, what remains is nothing. (I don’t mean at all that you personally are not doing the work)



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@Nahm it’s not so simple nahm. That ever present I agree okay it is the core aspect of this whole thing. But it breeds complacency imo. I’ve seen it countless number of times and it’s simply from the fact that the one hasn’t understood absolute infinity. 

  On 8/6/2019 at 9:59 PM, Nahm said:

I told you the truth. Contemplate the answer rather than deflecting via identifying the answer with Nahm.

 intentions aren’t always surface level. It’s problematic when people look at skyscrapers , it hurts their necks looking up. 

  On 8/6/2019 at 9:59 PM, Nahm said:

That’s all a lofty idea. What you ultimately seek is simple and has always been everpresent.

Lofty ideas ? Stage teal enlightenment my friend. Remember we are communicated inside of ourselves not inside of myself. 

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  On 8/6/2019 at 10:03 PM, Nahm said:

When you deconstruct everything, do the work so to speak, what remains is nothing.

think about this logically, why Is one persons nothing different to another persons nothing ? 

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@Aakash You are absolute infinity, but you still hold beliefs / identity, so when someone answers you in truth, it goes unrecognized because you are the authority, and the authority does not have direct experience to reference. But again, meditation is the way. Will that truth continue to go unrecognized? - For as long as you don’t have the direct experience, it will. 

  On 8/6/2019 at 10:20 PM, Aakash said:
  On 8/6/2019 at 10:03 PM, Nahm said:

When you deconstruct everything, do the work so to speak, what remains is nothing.

think about this logically, why Is one persons nothing different to another persons nothing ? 

Because one person insists upon logic. Why though? Why would someone do that? 

Get to the bottom of that, and you’ll have your answer. When you do, it will be the exact same nothing anyone else is already referring to, which you have yet to directly experience. You will. There are no odds. It is certain. 



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  On 8/6/2019 at 8:05 PM, AlldayLoop said:

If you are 100% certain about this, aren’t you considering creating a course or a mini series about it?

Or is even the use of language and real life example not going to cut it?

I explained it a lot in my video: What Is Love?

And we'll certainly talk more about it in future episodes. But talking about it is also quite pointless. You cannot understand Love through talk. You must find it by doing the practices. You must open your heart.

What good does it do for me to tell you that everything is love? It's as useless as telling people that they are God. Telling people doesn't work. They must awaken to it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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  On 8/6/2019 at 10:02 PM, Aakash said:

@SunnyNewDay the way to discern what an enlightened being knows is to ask them questions and see what words they use to respond. 

The other main one is this, how they demonise others. It’s the number one sign of someone who hasn’t accepted everything as part of themselves and isn’t showing a loving manner towards it. 

The third way is to ask them what absolute infinity is. If they can’t answer that god is outside of them and that they are a fraction of god. Then they aren’t aware of what the truth is. 

you can judge by their behavior, body language, how reactionary they are, etc. what words they use and descriptions they use can be helpful too because speaking is an action and how they answer your questions is as well. demonising is usually a good litmus test as well. Thing is speech can also be deceitful since it isn't so hard to regurgitate theory one has read or had a tiny awakening but haven't really purified and then be motivated to keep up the charades because they've built an identity around it and now have all sorts of powerful emotions behind it to keep it alive, their livelihood could be at stake. in terms of infinity it doesn't really have to do with awakening to the present moment and staying there or purifying as far as I'm aware. although an enlightened teacher usually has a different perspective on time itself and doesn't see it as a barrier to living life. 

Edited by SunnyNewDay

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@Nahm thank you for the love ? and appreciation. I’ve completely understood what you’ve said :)


sunny these thing may be true, but you can’t discern them whilst you still are human. You should also take that into consideration. 

What im saying is more for when you’ve reached a certain level on your journey. Which may or may not be helpful. Mines were only relative pointers, not to be taken as absolutes. Sometimes a teacher may just not have the words to put it in. You can’t really talk about enlightened beings unless you’ve had some form of experience of having your experience and awareness been seen as an illusion. Imo. 


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@Nahm poetry is my middle name ?, I’ve written many poems. I’ll do one for fun. 

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  On 8/6/2019 at 7:28 PM, Leo Gura said:

WinterKnight is not conscious what love is. He has not had an awakening to Absloute Love.

I keep telling you guys, this goes way deeper than you think. There are many facets to awakening and very few people have become conscious of all of them.

Most of the people you look up to, who you think are fully awake, are not.

This work is extremely, extremely tricky.

As Leo states Divine Love will melt you.  It will melt you.  Its so powerful that your puny little mortal being has no chance.   Language cannot come near explaining it.  But you ARE it.  

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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  On 8/6/2019 at 11:34 PM, Inliytened1 said:

As Leo states Divine Love will melt you.  It will melt you.  Language cannot come near explaining it.  But you ARE it.  

Exactly. It will melt you completely in every "state" of Consciousness. Hehe

It is really hard to explain this kind of experiences. 

Conciousness helluva thing. 

And yes it will bring you to Very much deepest actual existential question you as God has to solve. 

I swear, this work it leads to Very rock bottom of everything. 


All in all. 

Final answer to your enquiry Reality is perfect. God is Perfect. You are Perfect. Hehe God is God. 


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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WinterKnight is not conscious what love is. He has not had an awakening to Absloute Love.

I keep telling you guys, this goes way deeper than you think. There are many facets to awakening and very few people have become conscious of all of them.

Most of the people you look up to, who you think are fully awake, are not.

This work is extremely, extremely tricky.


Edited by FoxFoxFox

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I think both perspectives may be correct. The Absolute as absolute nothingness, from which all concepts arise, including love. The Truth prior to all concepts.

Or the other perspective, the Absolute as nothing and everything at once, creation as Love.

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves."

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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@Gili Trawangan In some traditions, the Self is conceptualized as Sat, Cit, and Ananda. The first two are Being, Intelligence, and the last one (Ananda) is Love/Bliss. These are not different aspects or faces of the Self, but rather its intrinsic "nature", like how liquidity, fluidity and wetness are intrinsic properties of water. If you take one of these away, the substance is no longer water. Likewise with the Self, if one dimension is missing or not cognized, that indicates subtle resistance that prevents it from being fully known. 

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  On 8/7/2019 at 7:53 AM, FoxFoxFox said:

In some traditions, the Self is conceptualized as Sat, Cit, and Ananda.

@FoxFoxFox You say so yourself, it is conceptualized as such. Even Being is a concept. The Absolute is unfathomable, it does not fit any concept.

  On 8/7/2019 at 7:53 AM, FoxFoxFox said:

Likewise with the Self, if one dimension is missing or not cognized, that indicates subtle resistance that prevents it from being fully known. 

Once again, the Absolute cannot be fully known, everything you are aware of is not it.

Then again, maybe you're right, I'm speaking from my current level of understanding, and I freely admit that there may be more to realize.

Edited by Gili Trawangan

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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I think love is actually a very good term. How else would anything happen but out of love? Nothing here right now is mechanical! 

This is probably the deepest metaphysics a man can ponder. So much mindfuckery. I love it.



Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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  On 8/7/2019 at 8:08 AM, Gili Trawangan said:

Once again, the Absolute cannot be fully known, everything you are aware of is not it.

Everything you're aware of is the Absolute.

You have yet to realize that formlessness and form are identical.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Without a kindred spirit there to hear
The storyteller’s voice must disappear,
And if the rose should vanish from its sight
The nightingale will keep its beak shut tight––
The loved one’s all, the lover’s just a screen,
A dead thing, while the loved one lives, unseen.
When shunned by love you’re left with emptiness,
A bird without its wings knows such distress:
‘How can my mind stay calm this lonely night
When I can’t find here my beloved’s light?’
Love wants its tale revealed to everyone,
But your heart’s mirror won’t reflect this sun,
Don’t you know why we can’t perceive it here?
Your mirror’s face is rusty––scrape it clear! 
- Rumi

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