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If I want to believe that giraffes and giraffes only are responding to my threads, then who's to say that isn't the case? I'm assuming there are actual people responding, but how do I know. It's all a figment of my/your imagination. 

Signed: Mr Rhinoceros. 


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@EvilAngel A giraffe has no perspective and it giraffes just fine. Human can human without perspectives too. But will the human remain a human if it abandons all concepts? 

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@FoxFoxFox I have to have concepts to even comprehend what your saying. Although you also have to have a conceptual framework to get across what you're trying to. Because language itself is a concept. Now, if you're trying to wake me up, keep trying. Because I'm enjoying sleepy time. 

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@EvilAngel Sure! Here's a nugget of wisdom from mine infinite vaults: Sarcasm wins you friends over the internetz!

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This doesn’t seem like a genuine effort to better understand the nature of subjectivity.

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