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John West

Multiple Orgasm / Non-Ejaculatory Orgasm Male

2 posts in this topic

Hey guys,

Usally when I practice for a Non-Ejaculatory orgasm, I can delay the ejaculation for a bit by contracting the PC muscle, but after a few seconds, there comes this pumping of your penis and the ejaculation starts coming. Is my PC muscle just to weak, or am I misunderstanding something? Because it doesn't feel like I lose my PC contraction, but the sperm seems to get through anyways. Maybe it's because the strength reduces after a few seconds of contracting, but maybe you can share your experience.

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You're probably too weak, it takes a while for the whole "pumping" to pass. Continue holding even after the pumping for a few more seconds. Shin or someone else you probably help you more on this topic, this whole practice isn't really my thing.

Try using your finger to press the on that special point and you'll discover that you can completely avoid ejaculation if you hold long enough. Using your finger is kinda "uncomfortable" making it sub-optimal so you probably lose the mood to continue, it's mostly for testing.  

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