Hippie, tree-hugger, weirdo, freak. How many times have you been called that?

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I know how you feel. I've been through the same and I know what it's like to be lonely, what it's like to doubt, what it's like to be laughed at. 

The way you feel is understandable and justified. After all you are up against the establishment, human ignorance, decades of social conditioning and coordinated misinformation campaigns at the highest level. But the biggest obstacle is the fear of you losing yourself in the process of building a life outside of the conventional social structure. Although not really useful, it lets you keep yourself hostage to social conformity. Because you care so much you also fear so much and it is a difficult position to be in. No doubt. You are scared to break this thin thread of connection to your oppressor. 

You're not crazy. You're are just aware of the presence of your third eye, your chakras, your spirit, your higher self. Watch more of my message in this video (Youtube): We are all crazy. And it's ok.

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It just means your more alive, more creative, more yourself :)


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