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The Story of the Fall of Atlantis and the Atlantean use of Crystals

4 posts in this topic

Law of one is funny way to see the World.

The rest looks like garbage poetry with meta point.

I don't believe in Atlantis. Sound utter non sense.


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I find it fascinating :)



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Lol the problem with truth is, everything is absolute truth. 

Therefore there is nothing to doubt. You can believe that if every possibility plays out. There is a multiple time lines of Earth, existing on multiple parallel universes, existing with multiple different “laws of nature” and you can be that the city of Atlantis Is real. If we’re talking about god here that is. 

If we’re talking about in our specific historical timeline and KNOWN historical period. Then it’s only a possibility of aliens existing, which is not plausible but neither complete y undeniable. Logically we’ve only discovered 5%-9% of the oceans depths. As light from the surface doesn’t penetrate. Oxygen aswell doesn’t synthesis because the ocean is a co2 containment unit. It provides planets with co2 to produce oxygen. Planets don’t photosynthesis at such depths and therefore less fish can live there. Our technology is also limited and if you look at historical maps, sea levels have risen a lot. It is not only continental drift and tectonic plate movement that causes land to reshape or reposition. It’s also flooded land from sea levels rising. 

Atlantis is a myth because sea- humans can’t exist. However aliens can. Considering human biases, it’s possible that underwater ancient civilisation caves were found and the myth got overdramatically emphasis with hyperbole. If this were true atlanteans wouldn’t even have to be aliens, they could be normal humans of ancient past, segregated by geographical location. 

Still within our time line I would say the probability of all this I’ve said being true is about 0.5-1% true. 

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