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shamanic breathing question

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feeling vibrations in the body after I did this... kinda like during my highs... but these vibrations weren't as powerful. it was more like minor buzzing all over the body... maybe i didn't do it for too long


either way. anytime there are vibrations and violent shaking in the body... that's essentially some trauma or trapped energy being released? i personally feel very flexible all over in my body and even went to a chrio just to get my back cracked and he told me, i don't really need it. i'm very fluid thru-out... 


could there be deeper trapped energies i'm not aware of?

i am fully aware of my physical body... i guess each time those vibrations come, i feel less and less of my body as those energies are released? moving towards expansion?


also. for those who have tried. is it wise to do shamanic breathing during weed high?

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depending how I feel I can get tingles all over my body and feel all sorts of waves and I'll shake as well. I would do this sober personally. You know yourself better than anyone else so it's up to you to decide if it's good for yourself. 

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Emotional memory in the body? Certainly.

Trauma/fragmented parts of you and suppressed emotions can be healed

check this short video out 


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