
The Greatest Act of Love

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@Shaun Ever notice you ignore the stuff you are unable to spin? Seems like that’d be a clue that maybe your suffering is created from your chosen perspectives. Some comments on this thread seem to me, to be too truthful for you to weave into your current narrative, and are thus ignored. Just kind of wondering if you are able to see that in any way...? And even more so, that this is in the same vein of what the shrooms revealed to you... (or that you could see this in hindsight rather)?



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15 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

This is dependent on your current understanding of “me”. You are conflating personal and trans-personal concepts. At the personal level, this is a recipe for disaster and will cause an immense amount of needless suffering.

Notice how immersed you are in this narrative. It is as if you are convinced a stick is a snake and being held hostage by it. Assuming it is a snake and insisting on speaking about how dangerous snakes are will keep you trapped. Yet letting go of the attachment and identification of being held hostage by a snake can be extremely difficult. It doesn’t seem like it should, but letting go of that delusional identity is letting go of one’s identity. It can be hard to say goodbye to the stick, stand up and walk off into a new uncertainty.




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15 hours ago, Shaun said:

I'm really sorry but I will never see it that way until all suffering ends.

The way you’re seeing it is what suffering ‘actually’ is. You’re recreating it daily via reactionary perspectives. Create perspectives instead. No one is making you chose the perspectives you’re choosing. You are doing that. It takes a tremendous amount of effort to withstand Truth to this degree for so long. I really do feel for you man, and hope you get some professional help asap. 



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99.9% of people whitstand Truth their entire life. 

Thanks you God for having a Dog. Best guru.

Get some pet @Shaun

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@Shaun Unconditional Love is ultimately radical to fit in the mind. The mind works with polarities and Unconditional Love is absolute.

unborn Truth

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29 minutes ago, Aeris said:

the absolute is not a dream or a word or a concept, or a belief.

it is what IS in the experience.

if you think that is a dream, the wake up could be very hard.

wake up or sleep anyway whatever, I m loosing my time here

Hi you didn't tag me... but I didn't say that.... 


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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47 minutes ago, Nahm said:

The way you’re seeing it is what suffering ‘actually’ is. You’re recreating it daily via reactionary perspectives. Create perspectives instead. No one is making you chose the perspectives you’re choosing. You are doing that. It takes a tremendous amount of effort to withstand Truth to this degree for so long. I really do feel for you man, and hope you get some professional help asap. 

I need help to get all of Leo's stuff out of my mind as it's pretty much ruined my life. I don't think memory erasing technology exists because that's what this will take. When someone assaults me, which has happened in the past, I do not create that. If you think I do then I suggest you go and see a therapist to get help with these delusional beliefs.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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5 minutes ago, Shaun said:

I need help to get all of Leo's stuff out of my mind as it's pretty much ruined my life. I don't think memory erasing technology exists because that's what this will take. When someone assaults me, which has happened in the past, I do not create that. If you think I do then I suggest you go and see a therapist to get help with these delusional beliefs.

You are suffering because someone assaulted you in the past? Have you not physically healed? How is that causing present day suffering? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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19 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

You are suffering because someone assaulted you in the past? Have you not physically healed? How is that causing present day suffering? 

No, that's just an example.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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@Shaun When I was about your age I did see several therapists. The therapy didn’t help in this case, no transference, more offerings of Amway schemes :( , but the choosing to stop blaming other people, videos, what have you, was a major paradigm shift, resulting in a major “breakdown” / “transference to Nothing”, in which I lost my name. In a nutshell, it was a big step closer to what I needed, along with other efforts in accountability for my own well being, resulting in realizing I needed to chose radical responsibility, over complaining. Best I can remember (24 yrs ago) I don’t think I was aware I was almost constantly blaming & complaining, thus creating the very perspective in which I was experiencing the suffering, just like you are creating now. The perspective creates the suffering, the suffering is fear, the fear prevents the inspect of the creation of the perspectives. A circle I would not wish upon anyone. 

There’s a paradox which is tough to swallow, but when the fear & protective mechanics of survival are inspected and addressed properly by inspecting the creation of your perspectives, the paradox dissolves revealing the love it was all along. 

If you had awareness you are creating your reality, you would of course not relive the past, nor use it to filter your creating of now. Notice no one awakened plays the victim role, and try to make that connection.  In a hindsight clarity, you’d be well aware you were deeply asleep, and were not aware you were creating. Notice - you can not rationally deny, all of your choices have led you to this exact here now. 

You can not both be in a thought story of self / past, and present here now creating.  Because in actuality, there is no you in the thought story’s (though it is insanely convincing there is) there is no you to resolve anything in such thought stories. The opportunity for resolution is always present, you must not continue running from it. Here now presence is the “resolution”, to leaving to the past or future via thought stories. Face it, see what it is, now. You are one, not both of those “you’s”, if you will. Create the reality where you let the past go, actually, then you see, then your trajectory of realization is pointed to Wholeness. You are the understanding, that’s why it feels so good and releases falsities. The understanding of the fragmentation you’re creating is itself the recognition of you true being as what was formerly referred to as the fragmentation. It is worthwhile.  Taking all the help and resources available to you is the key. Humbleness, humility and peace - “more of true being / self” - are always found within this, wether the methods per se “helped” or not, it’s about you seizing this life of yours. It’s about the choice to move forward in admitting the fear. Anything inspected amply dissolves, fear is not exceptional at all - you’re creating it. You can stop in any given moment, though I acknowledge it is easier said than done, it is away’s nonetheless the truth.  

Trauma creates a greater void, literally, between thought story you, and The Light You (pls forgive the linguistic of separation). You can forget who you really are, but you can not actually not be who you really are. To pretend you can, is suffering. The you that you think you are has no creating power at all. It a thought, just like the thought ‘toaster’. It’s not a toaster, it’s a thought. Actual you is present indeed, right now, you are just aware of this. As such, you are The Creator, and you can forget this, but you can not not be The Creator in actuality. The painful, painful, painful! Paradox you’re choosing to dance with is the denial you are experience exactly how you’re choosing to perceive. This literally expands void, as all is ineffable truly, - imagaination, Mind, etc - your choices of self denial, God denial, your whole solipsism theory, the rejection of assistance and love from everyone, etc - you are painstakingly expanding the void. The only thing that will enable you to feel better, is to lesson your void, to admit for yourself you are indeed choosing your perspectives, and to begin choosing perspective which are authentic - aligned with your sensation, rather than against them. The practice is so fundemental and apparent, you’re missing it. Simply feel as you say something negative about yourself, and something positive. Notice how it feels, and listen to the sensation. Allow all of life to be so simple, cry out, punching bag out, run out, scream out - whatever our style - but let it out with certainty.   Where you’re at is too much for one to bare and resolve alone, because your primary paint of your suffering is the topic of Alone. It’s toooo much. People can be helpful too you know. Perhaps that’s what you stand to discover so innocently. But we’re all here, and you are not alone. You are choosing the perspectives of this, because it seems the hurt is too much to revisit. That is a misunderstanding, which you could do without recreating anymore. 

If you’d like to chat lightly, nothing heavy introspective, just an experience of a different perspective, I’m up for that today. 

If not, at least consider why you would not accept the ear of one who lived through the hell. I created it too. I didn’t know either. 

Either way, thank you very much. I am most appreciative of you. 



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6 minutes ago, Shaun said:

No, that's just an example.

oh ok, well I had asked you to share with us what is causing your present suffering? Bad job? no girlfriend? Hate your parents? what is it? I want all the juicy details

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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10 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Shaun When I was about your age I did see several therapists. The therapy didn’t help in this case, no transference, more offerings of Amway schemes :( , but the choosing to stop blaming other people, videos, what have you, was a major paradigm shift, resulting in a major “breakdown” / “transference to Nothing”, in which I lost my name. In a nutshell, it was a big step closer to what I needed, along with other efforts in accountability for my own well being, resulting in realizing I needed to chose radical responsibility, over complaining. Best I can remember (24 yrs ago) I don’t think I was aware I was almost constantly blaming & complaining, thus creating the very perspective in which I was experiencing the suffering, just like you are creating now. The perspective creates the suffering, the suffering is fear, the fear prevents the inspect of the creation of the perspectives. A circle I would not wish upon anyone. 

There’s a paradox which is tough to swallow, but when the fear & protective mechanics of survival are inspected and addressed properly by inspecting the creation of your perspectives, the paradox dissolves revealing the love it was all along. 

If you had awareness you are creating your reality, you would of course not relive the past, nor let it filter your creating of now. In a hindsight clarity, you’d be well aware you were deeply asleep, and were not aware you were creating. Notice - you can not rationally deny, all of your choices have led you to this exact here now. 

You can not both be in a thought story of self / past, and present here now creating.  Because in actuality, there is no you in the thought story’s (though it is insanely convincing there is) there is no you to resolve anything in such thought stories. The opportunity for resolution is always present, you must not continue running from it. Face it, see what it is, now. You are one, not both of those “you’s”, if you will. Create the reality where you let the past go, actually, then you see, then your trajectory of realization is pointed to Wholeness. You are the understanding, that’s why it feels so good and releases falsities. The understanding of the fragmentation you’re creating is itself the recognition of you true being as what was formerly referred to as the fragmentation. It is worthwhile.  Taking all the help and resources available to you is the key. Humbleness, humility and peace - “more of true being / self” - are always found within this, wether the methods per se “helped” or not, it’s about you seizing this life of yours. It’s about the choice to move forward in admitting the fear. Anything inspected amply dissolves, fear is not exceptional at all - you’re creating it. You can stop in any given moment, though I acknowledge it is easier said than done, it is away’s nonetheless the truth.  

Trauma creates a greater void, literally, between thought story you, and The Light You (pls forgive the linguistic of separation). You can forget who you really are, but you can not actually not be who you really are. To pretend you can, is suffering. The you that you think you are has no creating power at all. It a thought, just like the thought ‘toaster’. It’s not a toaster, it’s a thought. Actual you is present indeed, right now, you are just aware of this. As such, you are The Creator, and you can forget this, but you can not not be The Creator in actuality. The painful, painful, painful! Paradox you’re choosing to dance with is the denial you are experience exactly how you’re choosing to perceive. This literally expands void, as all is ineffable truly, - imagaination, Mind, etc - your choices of self denial, God denial, your whole solipsism theory, the rejection of assistance and love from everyone, etc - you are painstakingly expanding the void. The only thing that will enable you to feel better, is to lesson your void, to admit for yourself you are indeed choosing your perspectives, and to begin choosing perspective which are authentic - aligned with your sensation, rather than against them. The practice is so fundemental and apparent, you’re missing it. Simply feel as you say something negative about yourself, and something positive. Notice how it feels, and listen to the sensation. Allow all of life to be so simple, cry out, punching bag out, run out, scream out - whatever our style - but let it out with certainty.   Where you’re at is too much for one to bare and resolve alone, because your primary paint of your suffering is the topic of Alone. It’s toooo much. People can be helpful too you know. Perhaps that’s what you stand to discover so innocently. But we’re all here, and you are not alone. You are choosing the perspectives of this, because it seems the hurt is too much to revisit. That is a misunderstanding, which you could do without recreating anymore. 

If you’d like to chat lightly, nothing heavy introspective, just an experience of a different perspective, I’m up for that today. 

If not, at least consider why you would not accept the ear of one who lived through the hell. I created it too. I didn’t know either. 

Some people pay 300$ to listen themself and you put so much energy and true love there for free.

You really radiate and shape love from the hearth.

This is people like who push me to love.

If Shaun is not inspired I m.




Edited by Aeris

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48 minutes ago, Shaun said:

I need help to get all of Leo's stuff out of my mind as it's pretty much ruined my life. I don't think memory erasing technology exists because that's what this will take. When someone assaults me, which has happened in the past, I do not create that. If you think I do then I suggest you go and see a therapist to get help with these delusional beliefs.

I know, right? Can you even imagine what transcending your current position to the realization you are all of everything which ever occurred? Can you grasp how liberation feels?  Probably not. But, there’s a fail safe for you, which you are not taking advantage of. You are not the first to suffer, you wil not be the last. But there are millions of people willing - dying to - help you. 

If you need some milk, you don’t curse the grocery store, you take the first step out, towards it. Liberation = Happiness, bliss, truth of self. The difference between talking the path and walking the path can never be communicated. But, see the obvious simple logic, that you can start taking steps, that you must. 



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@Nahm Did you ride the ox backwards, because there was nothing else to do basically? 

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28 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Shaun When I was about your age I did see several therapists. The therapy didn’t help in this case, no transference, more offerings of Amway schemes :( , but the choosing to stop blaming other people, videos, what have you, was a major paradigm shift, resulting in a major “breakdown” / “transference to Nothing”, in which I lost my name. In a nutshell, it was a big step closer to what I needed, along with other efforts in accountability for my own well being, resulting in realizing I needed to chose radical responsibility, over complaining. Best I can remember (24 yrs ago) I don’t think I was aware I was almost constantly blaming & complaining, thus creating the very perspective in which I was experiencing the suffering, just like you are creating now. The perspective creates the suffering, the suffering is fear, the fear prevents the inspect of the creation of the perspectives. A circle I would not wish upon anyone. 

There’s a paradox which is tough to swallow, but when the fear & protective mechanics of survival are inspected and addressed properly by inspecting the creation of your perspectives, the paradox dissolves revealing the love it was all along. 

If you had awareness you are creating your reality, you would of course not relive the past, nor use it to filter your creating of now. Notice no one awakened plays the victim role, and try to make that connection.  In a hindsight clarity, you’d be well aware you were deeply asleep, and were not aware you were creating. Notice - you can not rationally deny, all of your choices have led you to this exact here now. 

You can not both be in a thought story of self / past, and present here now creating.  Because in actuality, there is no you in the thought story’s (though it is insanely convincing there is) there is no you to resolve anything in such thought stories. The opportunity for resolution is always present, you must not continue running from it. Here now presence is the “resolution”, to leaving to the past or future via thought stories. Face it, see what it is, now. You are one, not both of those “you’s”, if you will. Create the reality where you let the past go, actually, then you see, then your trajectory of realization is pointed to Wholeness. You are the understanding, that’s why it feels so good and releases falsities. The understanding of the fragmentation you’re creating is itself the recognition of you true being as what was formerly referred to as the fragmentation. It is worthwhile.  Taking all the help and resources available to you is the key. Humbleness, humility and peace - “more of true being / self” - are always found within this, wether the methods per se “helped” or not, it’s about you seizing this life of yours. It’s about the choice to move forward in admitting the fear. Anything inspected amply dissolves, fear is not exceptional at all - you’re creating it. You can stop in any given moment, though I acknowledge it is easier said than done, it is away’s nonetheless the truth.  

Trauma creates a greater void, literally, between thought story you, and The Light You (pls forgive the linguistic of separation). You can forget who you really are, but you can not actually not be who you really are. To pretend you can, is suffering. The you that you think you are has no creating power at all. It a thought, just like the thought ‘toaster’. It’s not a toaster, it’s a thought. Actual you is present indeed, right now, you are just aware of this. As such, you are The Creator, and you can forget this, but you can not not be The Creator in actuality. The painful, painful, painful! Paradox you’re choosing to dance with is the denial you are experience exactly how you’re choosing to perceive. This literally expands void, as all is ineffable truly, - imagaination, Mind, etc - your choices of self denial, God denial, your whole solipsism theory, the rejection of assistance and love from everyone, etc - you are painstakingly expanding the void. The only thing that will enable you to feel better, is to lesson your void, to admit for yourself you are indeed choosing your perspectives, and to begin choosing perspective which are authentic - aligned with your sensation, rather than against them. The practice is so fundemental and apparent, you’re missing it. Simply feel as you say something negative about yourself, and something positive. Notice how it feels, and listen to the sensation. Allow all of life to be so simple, cry out, punching bag out, run out, scream out - whatever our style - but let it out with certainty.   Where you’re at is too much for one to bare and resolve alone, because your primary paint of your suffering is the topic of Alone. It’s toooo much. People can be helpful too you know. Perhaps that’s what you stand to discover so innocently. But we’re all here, and you are not alone. You are choosing the perspectives of this, because it seems the hurt is too much to revisit. That is a misunderstanding, which you could do without recreating anymore. 

If you’d like to chat lightly, nothing heavy introspective, just an experience of a different perspective, I’m up for that today. 

If not, at least consider why you would not accept the ear of one who lived through the hell. I created it too. I didn’t know either. 

Either way, thank you very much. I am most appreciative of you. 

@Nahm Beautiful! :x

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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@Mikael89 its not that, the suffering is still there. Its just no suffering because they are enlightened. in other words, they don't experience suffering

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6 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Only those who don't suffer much can say all these things in the thread: that there is no one who suffers, it's just a movie, it's just a dream, it's just a perspective, etc.

They are just playing a mental denial game while they are living nice and comfortable lives.

I'm still in suffering. But I can name you almost every thing in my life causing it. I have done a lot of work bringing these unconscious sufferings to the surface.  EVERY SINGLE ONE at the moment has to do with my career, but unfortunately without leaving my husband I have no way out of it, because we own a business together. So the only way through this is surrendering and acceptance. At the same time, I can see that all of my suffering in self-inflicted, although in the case of my business, its a bit more complicated than that. Guess what? I'm still happy. Don't assume that everyone is playing a mental denial game for happiness. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Good for them, but not everyone are so lucky.

I admit, some people are more luckier than others, there is no arguing that. 

but its like i always say, i only live by one principal 

anything is possible 

so if you really wanted it, then its possible. 


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