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Root cause of all my, possibly your mental problems

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The root cause of all my mental problems was and still is, to some extend, the fear of rejection. And it is extrodinary how deeply this fear afected my life. It took over every area you can imagine. It made me depressed, anxious, paralized to do anything. Then again i was raped and emotionaly abandoned by my family members, whitch left a deep trauma and fear in me. But the root cause beneth everything was fear of rejection, and when i brought my averness to it, it imediatle soothened the simptoms. Maybe you recognize it in you, just google fear of rejection and there you can find the simptoms.

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All fears have a need behind them, which can be thought of as a negative motivation you get from your mind to achieve what you need. The trap of this kind of motivation is that even when you get it you won't be satisfied or fulfilled. What you need you will need more and more and more of, as time passes. I think what can help you is to realize the trap of needing. Your fear rejection because you need not to be rejected. Try to befriend rejection, try to play with it. Try to practice it, with however small things at first. You will see that the fear of rejection is much stronger than the experience of it. You can't eliminate the possibility of rejection, but you can accept and even love it. For some motivation I was so shy with girls I wasn't even able to talk to them, since the past 20 years. Now however there still are a lot of people who just cringe my stomach when I see them, but now I'm able to look at it as practice, which makes it weaker and weaker as time passes.

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