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@Serotoninluv I get it, it’s the highest truth and I can’t use my mental ability to get there. 

Think about this logically, I’ve been here for seven months now. All I wanted was truth, sure there were hiccups and I said I was going to leave and then cane back etc. Like realise the magnitude of the relativity being implied. That I’m not trying to be it and am not even draw to it. Just interested in it scientifically from a consciousness perspective, when I know consciousness is not real ? 

Anyways it’s only going to be a non-registering thought. I’ll leave this here, and make my way :) 

Edited by Aakash

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8 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@Joker_Theory Contemplate what you were before your conception.

Great topic to start contemplating, thanks :)

"Your the left eye and i am the right would it not be madness to fight, WE COME ONE." - Faithless

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Meditation/communion with nature opened that door for me. Also weirdly enough it was a mix of nature and past human history there that really did it. There has to be a, inherent passion/love for the thing itself, not just for what one wants to get out of it. I wish it were easier to point toward. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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12 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Serotoninluv I get it, it’s the highest truth and I can’t use my mental ability to get there. 

Think about this logically. . . 

Go to the space before you were born. Where there are no thoughts, words, images, symbols etc. Whenever a thought, word, image, symbol etc. arise, let it go because that came after your birth. If direct experience arises in this space, don’t try to explain it with any thoughts, words, images, symbols etc. Because all that came after your birth. That’s it. Yet it ain’t easy.

12 minutes ago, Aakash said:


Think about this logically. . .  Just interested in it scientifically. 

That is an Orange level of exploration. That is totally cool and legit. There are many logical and scientific explorations that are sooo fascinating. I love that stuff. Yet be mindful of conflating and thinking it’s an expansive realm that includes more advanced stages beyond logic and reason.

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@cetus56you don't "get to" Formless state with contemplating.

Meditation is the Way. Psychedelics too but no direct experience on this so I don't know. 

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@Serotoninluv it’s like I said, it’s incommunicable. 

When have I ever said that I considered models to be the absolute. What I’m saying is consciousness directly understood as god is god. Methodology is only methodology. 

The three highest truths are as equal as each other and nothing separating them. 

Anyways nevermind, we’d end up going in circles. Thanks for the original post, I really appreciate it. 

See ya :) 

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