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Throath chakra blockage

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Around a year ago I decided to go to a chakra reading an healing session. I didn’t know much about chakra’s, I was just exploring and giving it a shot.

As soon as the women touched me to make a connection, she started couching like crazy. Turned out I had a major troath chakra blockage.

After I understood this, I did research on it and started to work on it. This resulted in quite a journey with a lot of stuff happening. Me communicating stuff to my mother, a girl I liked in the past but never expressed, crazy dreams, sexual expression. Also, I had major breakthroughs, especially during psychedelic trips, of opening my throath chakra.

I think it also plays a major role in the backpain I have had, also for more than a year. The chiropraktor also thought it came from me neck, and gave my excercises for it, which Ive been doing.

During sex I have had several times where all of a sudden I get this wierd feeling of frustration and wanting to scream. One time feeling my throath blocked so much I volentarely put my fingers in my throath to throw up, which relieved it a bit.

Throwing up has also been a part of this. I used to fear it a lot. I overcame this fear for the most part, throwing up volentarely, and facing it during trips.

I also had this period that I wanted to scream. Quite often I would go to my back yard and scream as hard as I could. Or going to a nearby bridge and doing the same.

Also, I would swear people around me cough all the time. Especially when I become aware of my throath. Like an empathatic reaction. One time I was sitting in my room having a break-through opening, and my roommate downstairs started coughing very hard at the same time.

Overall, I have become much more aware of my throath chakra, feeling when its blocked. Also I’m trying to fix my posture. However, I feel like I have worked on it a lot, but the problem keeps arizing. So often I feel like my throat is closed, almost like being choaked. I have that feeling right now as Im typing this. Anyone have any suggestions for how to fix this?

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22 minutes ago, Identity said:

Also, I would swear people around me cough all the time. Especially when I become aware of my throath. Like an empathatic reaction. One time I was sitting in my room having a break-through opening, and my roommate downstairs started coughing very hard at the same time.

This is mirror neurons, its the same thing as when you yawn, those around you yawn aswell. its you becoming conscious unconsciously and cleaning your system. 

In my opinion, chakras are a sophisticated and complex system that balances your neuro-chemical/ hormonal/ signal-carrying proteins and aligns them in function, one by one. The reason why kundalini releases is because your brain physiology is aligning with your metaphysical knowledge. Due to the fact that "energy" exist for you. It comes out is the "base" for which the flow of energy is circulated, "life energy" if i'm not mistaken. What mystics basically did was self-experiment on their own bodies for the optimum function eating, sleeping, waking, no minding, for meditation. Therefore chakra systems are conceptualised theory over the physical body. As they understand consciousness isn't contained within the body. 

In other words, many of your issue's with your chakras are actually psychological issues. it's aligning your physical, spiritual body with the flow of nature in its cyclical patterns. If you are having problems with your throat chakra, essentially what it means is that there is an imbalance somewhere in your physical body. The easiest question i could ask that may help that 99.9% of people do not do is: do you breath consciously and control your breath control , lung expansion and diagram contraction? 

most likely instead of relaxing your engaging in this frame of mentality

"ohh my throat chakra is closing" , "ohh no its getting tighter" "oh no i can't breath" "ohh no i'm going to puke" 

its a downward spiral, this is expected along the way when your trying to clean up any system in your body as its ultimately flushing out all the imbalances that are not required for "optimum" function. 

So its a good sign, just keep going. Your physical body is just like an emotion, it can not lie. In the sense if it's in discomfort it will tell you. Then its your conscious action, to decide what to do in every circumstance it happens. 


Edited by Aakash

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Have you tried singing?

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@Aakash Hmm yeah, I think there is something to that. Especially the breathing. ive been trying to breath more fully, and especially breathing through to my upper chest and neck helps.

@tsuki Not really any serious effort no ?. When there is the opportunity I try to express myself through singing, not hold back, but haven’t done it as a regular practice. Would you recommend it?

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I feel like its connected to deep patterns from my childhood. 

Than on top of that came the whole actualized and spiritual journey, which I have mostly kept to myself.

I feel like if I fully express myself my life would change radically.

it already has, but that there are deeper and deeper layers

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Throat chakra blockages are often associated with anxiety attacks.  A "lump" forms in the throat. If you've had one of those, you know that's how to tell it is coming.  I think this is related to a lot of repressed emotional baggage that you want to express and talk about but did not either due to conditioning, parenting, education or just fear of being judged. That's why one of the best things to do with these things is to talk and talk ..... to someone, get it out of the system. 

Another thing that has helped me in these cases was very slow deep abdominal breathing. Count to 6 inhale through nose, count to 10 exhale through the nose again. So slowly that even in empty space you will not hear yourself breathe. This way you will instruct your mind that everything is well and that it can switch of the fight or flight response that has been triggered and that is giving you the alarming feeling. 

Seems like some emotional healing needs to take place, practicing positive affirmations such as "I am safe and I am well" may help you rebalance yourself and finally there are some therapeutic herbs such as valerian or ashwagandha that are adaptogens and help balance nervous case you were also looking for something more materialistic to try along the other things. 

There is a brand called "AUstralian Bush Flower Essence. Two of their product may help you: The first is called: Emergency the second is called: Calm&Clear. However they do not cure but help you calm down and continue your healing practice in peace. 


Edited by Michael569
added stuff

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@Identity Your whole physical system is a memory based structure from DNA expression. Therefore, positive effects create better dna expressions and negative expression repeat the negative ones through karma. This means that at any time your childhood patterns have already been so deeply ingrained that they must be part of your physical body via DNA expression of your "life energy" moving around needed those specific proteins signals to do it for survival. 

To get to a zero level out would probably take about 3/4 of your current age + your current age... to completely change the whole structure of your body into a fresh new body literally. Which is ideally the point of kundalini meditation/ yoga. 

What your doing is reversing your bad behaviours that minimised the optimum function. Which will eventually get passed onto your children, if you decide to because the dna "life force" segment would be charged. (this part is only theory-based assumption of mines which i'm 55% sure is the case) 

your bad habits affect your children, not only you. But that's if you want to be super conscious about it. And well, if that gives you motivation to be more conscious,then great. if not, then great aswell 

Edited by Aakash

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@Michael569 Ohh yeah, I forgot to me mention that part there was quite a lot of crying involved as well. Not for any particular reason it seemed like, just crying and letting go. Before that I had not cryed for years.

The fear of being judget part hits home. Haven’t experienced any anxiety attacks though. 

Thank you for the breathing technique, I will try it out!

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@Aakash Daym, if thats true, it will take a long ass time lol. Better get my puking bucket and tissues out ?

Not turning this into a limiting belief though ?

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@Identity Yeah lol i'm very skeptical that it can be done so that you will function at 100%, there will always be limitations. Therefore your most reasonable target would be to operate between 65-80%. Doing it for like 3/4 would probably get you to like 85-89%. The being enlightened with all this would be like 90%- 93%. You'd have to be a "perfect" being from birth to operate above this. I think the only person who is in this real alive today is sadhguru. (that i know of) 

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Had those issues as well! The throat chakra is also related to self-expression, being authentic and honest. You may find something to work on there?

And here's a video by Teal Swan that could help you (especially when it comes to self-expression):

All the best!


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5 minutes ago, Yannik said:

Had those issues as well! The throat chakra is also related to self-expression, being authentic and honest. You may find something to work on there?

Yeah so what you will find is when your throat chakra is active your throat muscles are relaxed and therefore have the widest circumference in volume, anything that obstructs this with speech itself, closes the channel because flight or fight response is activated to slow down the neurotransmitters within the throat. Giving you time to delay your speech to be inauthentic and lie. it allows your brain more congative time to be deceptive in its words. When a singer is not anxious, this is the control they are able to exert on their diameter to change the pitch and tone of this singing. Those that are nervous have it closed and therefore aren't able to maximise their sound, to hit very high notes. 

When you want to lie you get a bulge in your throat, because you've secreted excess mucus (boogers) to delay your own speech. Giving you more time to be inauthentic and lie. its survival mechanism that you've picked up from childhood traumas, that are undone, very mild physiological flight or fight responses you've picked up. Which can range from anywhere, being mild to severe

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@Yannik Thanks, watched that video a while back, and literaly just before making the post ?

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@Aakash Hmm yeah, that might be physiological dynamic. But like you say, it feels like its some kind of survival mechanism I picked up from childhood, maybe perceiving that expression was dangerous (and I can see why). Thanks for your replies ??

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@tsuki Just sang songs with my girl for an hour, it was amazing ???

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