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Currently in a state of pure being, no-self, samadhi etc. Ask me anything.

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Can what ever your experiencing go deeper? so the what i'm asking is, is it infinite in depth or would it be infinite as a static infinite if you give up the notion that there was a person who "was out of it" and then "entered it" 

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What does one love? 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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How did you get there, can you be in silence without thoughts in your daily life? 

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7 minutes ago, Aakash said:

Can what ever your experiencing go deeper? so the what i'm asking is, is it infinite in depth or would it be infinite as a static infinite if you give up the notion that there was a person who "was out of it" and then "entered it" 

It's a matter of perspective really. If you are looking from the inside, it'll expand infinitely to all directions, and it'll certainly go deeper and deeper to no end. If you take any piece of matter and look at it under the microscope, you can zoom in forever and you'll never reach an end. From the outside though, you don't really think of this stuff because thoughts themselves are absent. There is no frame of reference for your to judge by. You can use the analogy of the sun. The sun illuminates everything without care. 

6 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

@FoxFoxFox what will be on the screen of experience after FOXFOXFOX is dead.

The screen itself is a thought. There is no screen.

3 minutes ago, OctagonOctopus said:

What does one love? 

Love is not something one does. Love is light. 


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5 minutes ago, SriBhagwanYogi said:

How did you get there, can you be in silence without thoughts in your daily life? 

You don't get there. You are always it. It's the activity of the mind that causes the belief that you are not it. Every obstacle in front of this realization is mental. The thought that you are somebody who has to get there itself is the problem. The thought that there are obstacles itself is the problem. At first glance this sounds like a real catch-22, but if you can just abandon that frame of reference, all will make sense. A quiet mind is probably the best aid. 

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6 minutes ago, FoxFoxFox said:

It's a matter of perspective really. If you are looking from the inside, it'll expand infinitely to all directions, and it'll certainly go deeper and deeper to no end. If you take any piece of matter and look at it under the microscope, you can zoom in forever and you'll never reach an end. From the outside though, you don't really think of this stuff because thoughts themselves are absent. There is no frame of reference for your to judge by. You can use the analogy of the sun. The sun illuminates everything without care. 

Then that question you were asking on wintersoliders thread is that, what you currently are is the invisible thought. The thought “I am” is thought by the human thinking they are “I”. The invisible thought is all degrees of samadhis from here to [ ] which is not “you” :) 

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@FoxFoxFox in other words, the idea is that it goes on infinitely like you said. So instead of getting drawn into it infinitely (maya) . It’s to realise the true self, is not that. And then to continue what ever practice you did to get there 

Edited by Aakash

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@Aakash It's a good explanation as far as explanations go, but ultimately it's not the case either. Better to abandon the "logical" ship altogether asap. A truly quiet mind is synonymous with bliss. That's good enough explanation imo. Effort directed towards quieting the mind will be more beneficial than all philosophizing. I mean infinite itself is an idea. Idea itself is an idea. That an idea is an idea is itself is an idea, ad infinitum. The moment one engages in this activity, true knowledge is lost. 

Edited by FoxFoxFox

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@FoxFoxFox it's nice to KNOW and SEE where you always were standing and looking from.

It's also mind-boggling when one falls back down from that place into the mind


have you found your eternal home or is this is a temporary stay for you? 

Love Is The Answer

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@FoxFoxFox I didn’t mean it with such conviction/ word play. I simply meant just draw your attention away from everything until the very idea of everything is an illusion. 


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@SoonHei Haha yeah i get what you mean, but i'd say the Self is incredibly forgetful. I'm having trouble recalling even an hour ago. But it's okay. The Self really doesn't have anywhere to go, since only it is to begin with. I would say that with repeated stepping into your true self, each subsequent attempt becomes easier and easier until "attempt" loses all meaning. Conventionally, people will tell you that one day the "state" becomes permanent. But right now, that there is no state, and that the Self is always unbroken is much more agreeable. 

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