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How you are writing the story of your life

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I wanted to try to explain why I keep harping about stories to people. You know how sometimes you get a realization and you start seeing it everywhere? I'm hoping sharing this lets me move on. xD I didn't understand how much I demonized stories and missed what powerful pointers to oneness stories can be. The author loves all the characters and everything that happens as she/he created them. You can step in and step out of stories at will, and you can create your reality when you realize that you are the author. 

 I underestimated the amount of mosquitoes and red ants there were where I filmed this so please forgive all the sudden movements. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw Nice video.

Sitting by the loom of the present moment, god weaves the story of its creation.

Would you say that Enlightenment is a new story, or just the shedding of old stories? Or is Enlightenment itself just a story, in hindsight?

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Appreciate you one uping Eckhart Tolle. You make really good points, I agree, rejecting the self is counterproductive but an easy trap. To let go of the illusion is through completely loving it/self love with inner space and recognizing the freedom to story 

1 hour ago, mandyjw said:

I underestimated the amount of mosquitoes and red ants there were where I filmed this so please forgive all the sudden movements.

Ants in the pants? What a high tolerance for pain you have xD 


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Ver nice! Thank you for creating and sharing this for us ? 

I love explanations of awakening and nonduality in the context of the stories we create and tell.

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2 hours ago, LastThursday said:


Would you say that Enlightenment is a new story, or just the shedding of old stories? Or is Enlightenment itself just a story, in hindsight?

I think that all of those are all true at the same time. 

2 hours ago, DrewNows said:

Appreciate you one uping Eckhart Tolle. You make really good points, I agree, rejecting the self is counterproductive but an easy trap. To let go of the illusion is through completely loving it/self love with inner space and recognizing the freedom to story 

Ants in the pants? What a high tolerance for pain you have xD 

Eckhart Tolle is a bridge, it's such an incredible thing I'm learning to appreciate more and more. Bridges are useful both ways.

I don't have a high pain tolerance at all, but I am used to bug bites. xD

2 hours ago, WelcometoReality said:

@mandyjw Lovely talk. Thank you for sharing!

How are you integrating your experiences?

Thank you! After the awakening I acted a lot like a little kid and my ego came back and smacked me upside the head like a boomerang. So I'm still recovering from that shock and integrating the newly freed inner child with the adult who wants to look and sound responsible, and both are total pains in the asses so I really hope that they work things out soon. 

Another part of integration is the understanding that it never really happened. It too is a story I tell myself. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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5 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Thank you! After the awakening I acted a lot like a little kid and my ego came back and smacked me upside the head like a boomerang. So I'm still recovering from that shock and integrating the newly freed inner child with the adult who wants to look and sound responsible, and both are total pains in the asses so I really hope that they work things out soon. 

I guess the best is to let them be and let them settle their differences on their own. :D

9 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Another part of integration is the understanding that it never really happened. It too is a story I tell myself. 

Yeah, the mind usually have a hard time letting that beautiful experience go. 

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Thanks for the great video Mandy! And it's a beautiful setting out there!

God creates the character in a story, and the character creates God through stories. Amazing!

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