
is dairy bad

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Dairy contains proteins casein and whey which have been show to negatively effect gut flora. Most dairy also contains hormones and antibiotics which you don’t want to be consuming as well.

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The greatest benefit is that dairy is a supreme source of calcium. Even though most of it is not absorbed, it still gives you way more than the best plan sources gram-to-gram. 

As far as the cons go, dairy is highly acidic, pro-inflammatory, mucus forming, pro-allergic and irritating for many people. Many of us have lost the ability to properly digest lactose due to the absence of lactase enzyme. Dairy blocks absorption of iron and too much may compete with magnesium absorption as well. 

Dairy contains bovine insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) that stimulates growth of tissues in animals and there is very strong evidence pointing towards some IGF-sensitive cancers such as prostate in men and breast in women. Reflux disease may be triggered by dairy as well. 

Raw dairy is better than pasteurized and if it comes from healthy pasture raised cow who did not have her babies taken away. 

Some dairy every now and then in the form of cheese or butter is probably okay as long as you are not intolerant but drinking jugs of it seems like asking for trouble. 

Edited by Michael569

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7 hours ago, Shiva said:

However, in my opinion, dairy is made for baby cows, not for grown up human beings.

And given that the purpose of milk is to turn a little calf into a 1 ton cow as quickly as possible, I believe it's a nutritional overkill for us humans.

We need to be careful about this kind of reasoning because something not being directly made for something doesn't necessarily translate to negative impact. 

@theking00 Start here: 

The dose makes the poison. The findings of milk in particular (Which is what makes dairy, well dairy) are a bit of a mixed bag.

Now we have done studies on specific ingredients in milk that points to potential risks, but the big question would be how much of it do you have to consume for it to be dangerous. Drinking one soda won't hurt you, but every day definitely will.

Keyhole's reply on the linked thread is good too about differing bodies. It hasn't been too long in human history that we mutated to be lactose-tolerant our entire lives.

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Maybe a bit off topic but I would be interested to know why someone drinks cow's milk, but finds it disgusting to drink milk from other animals like dogs, cats or camels for example? Where is the difference? Personally I don't consume any dairy.

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14 hours ago, Shiva said:

You're right it doesn't!

But wouldn't it be strange if we needed the baby food of a different species?

I mean we can't even digest our own milk beyond a certain age anymore, so why would we need it as grown ups from another species?

Yeah, I don't think the focus is if we need milk, but can we drink milk with no negative impact and how much can we drink? All the marketing that we need it to be healthy was a bunch of bs from what I know.

Those who are lactose-intolerant can't consume our own milk beyond a certain age, but afaik tolerant people can through the same lactase enzyme mutation. I would love to know what actually started such a mutation. Surely people didn't just drink milk and get sick until it happened lol

Edited by Shadowraix

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I stopped drinking milk some years ago when I was about 18. I stopped because I saw a food industry documentary and it made me a bit sad. Then about a year later I tried drinking some milk. Bad idea lol.

Apparently my body rejects dairy now. So i don't think it's healthy for me at least. Also check out Dr. Berg on YouTube for health advice. He is usually my go to these days. Hope that helps:)

Edited by JohnIsDoe

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It's not absolutely bad or good. Some bodies can handle it better than others, for example here in Northern Europe more people have adjusted to drinking milk. I personally still drink it (whole milk) because I haven't noticed any negative effects and there is a good balance of 1/3 fat 1/3 carbohydrates and 1/3 protein in it. Experiment for yourself, don't just blindly believe what you see in some documentary. I have also seen Cowspiracy but I continue to drink milk because the milk industry is not the same here as it is in the U.S. More ethical living conditions and they don't pump the cows with antibiotics etc.

Edited by TheAlchemist

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