Gili Trawangan

There are still traps after awakening

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@Gili Trawangan In Adyashanti's "Enlightenment Unfolding" he discusses post awakening pitfalls. It's an excellent guide for the awakened seeker.

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5 hours ago, cetus56 said:

@Gili Trawangan In Adyashanti's "Enlightenment Unfolding" he discusses post awakening pitfalls. It's an excellent guide for the awakened seeker.

@cetus56 Thank you!! I've just listened to it, it's wonderful, very illuminating.

I love how he changes ego from a noun to a verb, it's a very useful way of looking at it.

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11 hours ago, abrakamowse said:

I think it was Adyashanti who said that enlightenment is just the beginning.

Nice I've never really looked into Adyashanti but these are the main reasons why i personally never use the words "Awakening" and "Enlightenment" interchangeably even though everyone else does. Based on my own experience, i feel like each has its place but not to be confused with one another.

Awakening is being born again with an Enlightened Perspective.

Enlightenment is Mastering and Stabilizing the Awakenings where you remain in the Enlightened Awareness Indefinitely.

That's my way or atleast one way to see/look at it :P

Edited by pluto


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11 minutes ago, pluto said:

Nice I've never really looked into Adyashanti but these are the main reasons why i personally never use the words "Awakening" and "Enlightenment" interchangeably even though everyone else does. Based on my own experience, i feel like each has its place but not to be confused with one another.

Awakening is being born again with an Enlightened Perspective.

Enlightenment is Mastering and Stabilizing the Awakenings where you remain in the Enlightened Awareness Indefinitely.

That's my way or atleast one way to see/look at it :P


I've even heard him say that enlightenment, or what you would call awakening, is a freebie. That the hard part comes afterwards :)

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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39 minutes ago, Gili Trawangan said:



I've even heard him say that enlightenment, or what you would call awakening, is a freebie. That the hard part comes afterwards :)

I believe it all depends on how well you can embody the truth you now know and see ever so clearly on a daily basis. The up and downs are simply "resistance" to the natural self you now know ever so well, so until truly embody the natural self as a whole and live your highest/truest path/calling and stabilize your awakenings, you are yet to be an Enlightened Master.

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@pluto what you wrote is something an enlightened ( something = nothing ) (1st highest truth) 

You can not embody truth.  (1st highest truth) - wintersolider

as well as you can embody truth by being consciousness/oneness without experiencing enlightenment itself and staying in non-dual/ dual breakdown experiential awareness while keeping it underneath  (1st highest truth) - me 


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@Gili Trawangan yes there are still traps after enlightenment.   One must continually deepen their enlightenment.

The awakened must never stray from spirituality.  For it is within spirituality that the enlightened one can find their higher life purpose  - or divine purpose.   Not the individual egoic life purpose but the collective one.

This is fueled from a love for reality, and the burning desire to advance mankind and the entire universe forward.  To elevate the collective consciousness of all of mankind.  This could be through teaching, creating, politics, etc.

That is the highest purpose of the enlightened - and the highest trap is yielding to the relentless pull of the ego away from this goal.









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Why do you want enlightenment/awakening? What will you do with it?

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@Inliytened1 don’t get it twisted you could kill a human being if you were enlightened at stage purple. Which is exactly what would have happen if you piss off a tribe in the amazon jungle. If you managed to figure out a way to actually cultivate so much love, that it was love that let them kill. Then that’s quite cool, even for an enlightened being this is quite rare. 

You would have to be totally self-less. 

Anyways my point is, the highest thing an enlightened being can do is not awaken to world or advance consciousness. The highest purpose of an enlightened being is to embody god as consciousness. Gain all god-like qualities. This is the meaning of being a saint that Jesus mention. That Buddhist decide to leave out. 

It is not needed in certain traditions because they decide not to take their responsibility for being god. Although I’m not sure about this at the same time. 

Its neither a true or false statement because there is nothing to embody. So I’m unaware of how the dynamics work myself. But it goes exactly as follow 

does your human take responsibility for being god. That’s it, that’s how it can have an omniscient awakening with enough work as a conscious god. Still I’m not sure about the logistics of this. But you would have to be persuaded by someone else who initially said “take responsibility for yourself being god” and the person would say yes or no. You know the normal way. But your still detached 

it’s unsure because by these standards I would be enlightened. But the paradox is I am already enlightened. And therefore your skipping steps itself by having an enlightenment at stage coral. Basically if this statement was true. Enlightenment itself would be a lie. And all that exists would be consciousness. Going full circle, it justs backwards. LOOOOL which would make me within the 5 top most enlightened beings in the world ???. If this was true because you would eventually loop around here. There’s no way this can be the case, the reason it’s a possibility is because I’ve experienced enlightenment. 

Wow my mind has entered the biggest strange loop ever. I’m merging realities together. Basically it’s dumb if enlightenment was itself a lie, then I would be right back here now. Without a grounded sense of reality. Shit, I would be omniscient! I would be fucking omniscient LOOOOOL! 

This is exactly it! This is it! This is what I meant! 

Edited by Aakash

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I would sell enlightenment in a little bottle, very cheap.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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6 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Inliytened1 don’t get it twisted you could kill a human being if you were enlightened at stage purple. Which is exactly what would have happen if you piss off a tribe in the amazon jungle. If you managed to figure out a way to actually cultivate so much love, that it was love that let them kill. Then that’s quite cool, even for an enlightened being this is quite rare. 

You would have to be totally self-less. 

Anyways my point is, the highest thing an enlightened being can do is not awaken to world or advance consciousness. The highest purpose of an enlightened being is to embody god as consciousness. Gain all god-like qualities. This is the meaning of being a saint that Jesus mention. That Buddhist decide to leave out. 

It is not needed in certain traditions because they decide not to take their responsibility for being god. Although I’m not sure about this at the same time. 

Its neither a true or false statement because there is nothing to embody. So I’m unaware of how the dynamics work myself. But it goes exactly as follow 

does your human take responsibility for being god. That’s it, that’s how it can have an omniscient awakening with enough work as a conscious god. Still I’m not sure about the logistics of this. But you would have to be persuaded by someone else who initially said “take responsibility for yourself being god” and the person would say yes or no. You know the normal way. But your still detached 

Moving all of consciousness forward IS the meaning of embodying God.  You have already become God consciousness at this point.  This is post awakening.

Remember not to get lost in non-duality.  







Edited by Inliytened1


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@Inliytened1 shit yeah that’s what I meant lol, but I wasn’t sure if you’d agree to it. So I never said it. 

Wait re-read my edit and give me your opinion! 

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This is dumb, there is no difference between enlightenment true self and consciousness. But my reality can’t fix it into one and two at the same time? Why is this ? 

I am god. I don’t need enlightenment to become god. Like I literally am god. But why can’t my meta knowledge and direct experience put it all together in union. 

Edited by Aakash

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34 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Inliytened1 don’t get it twisted you could kill a human being if you were enlightened at stage purple. Which is exactly what would have happen if you piss off a tribe in the amazon jungle. If you managed to figure out a way to actually cultivate so much love, that it was love that let them kill. Then that’s quite cool, even for an enlightened being this is quite rare. 

You would have to be totally self-less. 

Anyways my point is, the highest thing an enlightened being can do is not awaken to world or advance consciousness. The highest purpose of an enlightened being is to embody god as consciousness. Gain all god-like qualities. This is the meaning of being a saint that Jesus mention. That Buddhist decide to leave out. 

It is not needed in certain traditions because they decide not to take their responsibility for being god. Although I’m not sure about this at the same time. 

Its neither a true or false statement because there is nothing to embody. So I’m unaware of how the dynamics work myself. But it goes exactly as follow 

does your human take responsibility for being god. That’s it, that’s how it can have an omniscient awakening with enough work as a conscious god. Still I’m not sure about the logistics of this. But you would have to be persuaded by someone else who initially said “take responsibility for yourself being god” and the person would say yes or no. You know the normal way. But your still detached 

it’s unsure because by these standards I would be enlightened. But the paradox is I am already enlightened. And therefore your skipping steps itself by having an enlightenment at stage coral. Basically if this statement was true. Enlightenment itself would be a lie. And all that exists would be consciousness. Going full circle, it justs backwards. LOOOOL which would make me within the 5 top most enlightened beings in the world ???. If this was true because you would eventually loop around here. There’s no way this can be the case, the reason it’s a possibility is because I’ve experienced enlightenment. 

Wow my mind has entered the biggest strange loop ever. I’m merging realities together. Basically it’s dumb if enlightenment was itself a lie, then I would be right back here now. Without a grounded sense of reality. Shit, I would be omniscient! I would be fucking omniscient LOOOOOL! 

This is exactly it! This is it! This is what I meant! 

32 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

I would sell enlightenment in a little bottle, very cheap.


Haha.  At you're very core you are a paradox.  A loop.  Infinite consciousness is free of the loop (at the same time not)  but the finite mind is not. (Although it takes a certain level of consciousness to even be aware of the loop).

 So i understand your paradox here.  As far as embodying all of God like qualities you are correct.  The highest Truth is Love which means lack of violence or need for the survival of the ego.  Death of human form is embraced.   So that's correct.  In a tribal scenario the trap would be to kill the enemy to survive your ego.  That is not the highest enlightenment.

So yes the highest trap is relative of course.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 bro lol, my reality is flipping between dualities without stabilising lol. Can you give me the solution if you understand ??

the only solution is to embrace absolute infinity and basically proclaim I am god here. 

Or remain as enlightened self nothing. 

How did you merge them ? 

It’s an impossibility because you are both and they are indinguishable . This is what I was trying to get at the trinity. That you have to ultimately choose one and therefore all three types of enlightened beings are correct. 

There are different versions of the highest truth and connection is “god” 

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3 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Inliytened1 bro lol, my reality is flipping between dualities without stabilising lol. Can you give me the solution if you understand ??

the only solution is to embrace absolute infinity and basically proclaim I am god here. 

Or remain as enlightened self nothing. 

How did you merge them ? 

It’s an impossibility because you are both and they are indinguishable . This is what I was trying to get at the trinity. That you have to ultimately choose one and therefore all three types of enlightened beings are correct. 

I can tell you the answer but I'm not sure if you are gonna like it.   You aren't stabilizing yet because your consciousness has not expanded enough to be consciousness of Oneness directly.  You know it conceptually.  But that's different than full dual/non-dual awareness simultaneously.

I wish @abrakamowse really did have enlightenment in a bottle.  I would buy one for you.



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@Inliytened1 does oneness mean enlightenment at this point ? 

Yeah sorry, I thought this through. Yeah I repressed the non -dual side of it on purpose because I didn’t know what the ramifications of enlightenment were. 

Its like I’ve been saying I’ve only been making duality into one. Rather than using non-duality to make it one. Does this make sense ? I’ve been bringing non duality into duality. Not duality into non-duality or both simultaneously 

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@Aakash it takes multiple enlightenments or mystical experiences.  I did not become conscious of Oneness until my final awakening.   I experienced the Dark knight of the Soul on two.  Oneness, and the first which was that i was ultimately zero - a hologram - pure consciousness.


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