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Advice On Fear and openmindedness

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Well, i got to know who was jordan peterson from Leo, before that, i did not even know who he was and what does he do. After listening to Leo, i got to know how toxic he is and how he preaches his ideology.

But sometimes when i see from some random posts on fb where jordan peterson is talking and that video is appriciated, i feel uncomfortableness inside of me. One part of me says that i should watch the video and keep an open minded about him and the other part says dont watch him because if you watch, you are gonna go deep into his toxicism and never gonna get out. Then i dont watch the video and ignore it. But something inside of me tells me that it is not a right approach.

Am i missing something by doing this? It feels like i am not being openminded and fearful. I would like to hear your opinion about it guys.

Edited by Annoynymous

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Take in all perspectives, find the truths/ partial truths in them, absorb what is useful, integrate them into your total understanding, and let go of thinking you understand anything to keep your mind ever open. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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16 hours ago, Annoynymous said:

you are gonna go deep into his toxicism and never gonna get out. Then i dont watch the video and ignore it. But something inside of me tells me that it is not a right approach.

You answered your own question. I would suggest watching his lecture vids  not "JP vs SJW#9". He delves into the shadow quite a bit and its a nice contrast to leo's views.

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@Annoynymous It sounds close-minded and fearful to me. Fear of knowledge is not helpful.

People demonize JP as if nothing he says is worthwhile. Somethings are not worthwhile but some things are. 

Be wary of Green ideology. Yellow sees where JP has wisdom and where he does not. Yellow takes what is useful and leaves the rest. Yellow can think for themselves but Green needs group permission for their beliefs. This is why Ken Wilber talks about the value in some of JP's stances.

Asking other "greens" if it is OK to listen to another's opinions and evaluate for oneself is a very Green thing to do :)

Edited by Matt8800

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@Matt8800 yeah i agree with you. Maybe i am being close minded and fearful. I feel if i listen to him, it will confuse me and give some strong emotional reaction against his stance.

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