
M, 23, UTC+2 EU. Looking for Accountable Partner

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I’m a 23 year old budding filmmaker and meditation junkie. Currently I’ve really struggled with my procrastination and I want to improve my productivity. In particular here are my 3 goals: 

1) Spending 1h30min maximum per day at procrastination (Youtube, Facebook, Playing Games…). (Habit).

2) Waking up everyday around 7:30-9 and going to bed around 22-00, expect one day per week. (Habit).

3) Meditate everyday more than 1h (I constantly do it since 2 years, but it still rarely happened that I slack off). (Habit)

4) Finish a short video project before the begging of September. (Goal)


Having someone support me and that I can help to reach his goals might be a good idea. Plus in order to stick to those goals I made a Commitment with stakes on Stickk(dot)com for each of this goals (if I break the commitment I will be charged money). 

Here’s the person I’m looking for:

I’m looking for a male partner, motivated, disciplined; someone who know how to support another’s goals. Another important thing is that we have similar goals/habits, like productivity and non-procrastination habits. I have plenty of tips and tricks on those because I’ve already work on them a lot. Even meditation/mindfulness commitments are welcome, I definitely can help you there, however I would prefer to have someone that it’s already experienced with those. If you have done a Vipassana retreat we probably would get along :). 

Here’s how I think it could be a good way to keep us on track: 

Having a support system and “smart way” to keep us on track is well and good, but in the end of the day what matter it’s being honest with ourself and see reality as it actually is with our own eyes, so we really have to be self honest. 

Everyday we simply have to answer a question: “Did I keep my commitment today?” with a yes or a no.

The answer would be send on a chat (what’s app/telegram…). The other person don’t have to answer and can even not check the answer for some days, but at least for me it’s important at the end of the day to do this self check and review what I did. If the answer is no, at least for my case, you should control that I am actually charged from breaking my commitment on the Stickk Website. 

This is how I think the “accountability relationship” should work, however I’m open to any kind of modification and adapt to the way you would prefer to be supported. 

PM or comment if you want to make this real :)


A little more about me: I’m a 22 almost 23 year old male. Finished my university in Media Studies on January and started a master degree on Filmmaking; left my master degree on May because I think I can work better on movies by myself than being in a not so good university. Last 2 years I’ve really struggled with an internet addiction (playing games and Youtube). I meditate daily around 1h since 4 years now, did 2 10-day-meditation retreat. I'm into personal development and have already some good productivity habits in place like doing to-do list for the upcoming days. I’m currently working on a short movie and want to improve my productivity. 

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