Beginner Mind

Unconscious Resistance

10 posts in this topic

I smoked some weed recently and it suddenly occurred to me that there is a constant like/dislike relationship happening between myself and life.  A constant resistance to what is.  To even the smallest things in life.  And I realized that much of my resistance to what is is totally unconscious and automatic.  So, I'm left to wonder, how does one deal with resistance when that resistance is unconscious and seemingly beyond one's control?

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Not entirely sure.

I remember something from an anthology on the Pali Canon. That said you are vain because you like and dislike.

I suppose push on, and take a holistic approach. Like riding a bike, if you try and think about everything when you start, you'll keep falling off. 



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  • 10 minutes of meditation. And then contemplation/inquiry into the nature of resistance for as long as you can/need.
  • Developing mindfulness throughout the day.
  • Strictly minimalist lifestyle.

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Weed will make many of these apparent, so write them down as they come. Then face them. Face them any way you can, whether by real life experience, or dreaming, or rehearsal visualisations. The more you face them, the more they will relax and your unconscious behaviors will align with your best intentions. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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8 hours ago, Truth Addict said:
  • 10 minutes of meditation. And then contemplation/inquiry into the nature of resistance for as long as you can/need.
  • Developing mindfulness throughout the day.
  • Strictly minimalist lifestyle.

I'm not much of a meditator, but being mindful is a realistic option for me.  Why do you suggest minimalism?  I already am somewhat of a minimalist, although I still have some stuff like a TV and videogame console.

8 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Weed will make many of these apparent, so write them down as they come. Then face them. Face them any way you can, whether by real life experience, or dreaming, or rehearsal visualisations. The more you face them, the more they will relax and your unconscious behaviors will align with your best intentions. 

Yeah I really should write these insights down as they come.  Thank you.

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@Beginner Mind

Minimalism helped me in finding space for sorting out the things that kept me stuck for so long. Resistance was one of them. Of course, it doesn't have to be permanent, just long enough so that you find that space that you need before moving on.

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On 2019-07-27 at 11:38 PM, Beginner Mind said:

I smoked some weed recently and it suddenly occurred to me that there is a constant like/dislike relationship happening between myself and life.  A constant resistance to what is.  To even the smallest things in life.  And I realized that much of my resistance to what is is totally unconscious and automatic.  So, I'm left to wonder, how does one deal with resistance when that resistance is unconscious and seemingly beyond one's control?

Start noticing the moments where you have been resisting. Don't beat yourself up if you can't stop the resistance from happening at first.

After a while you might see the resistance during the happening and that's when you'll have the choice to let it happen or let it go.

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On 7/27/2019 at 3:38 PM, Beginner Mind said:

I smoked some weed recently and it suddenly occurred to me that there is a constant like/dislike relationship happening between myself and life.  A constant resistance to what is.  To even the smallest things in life.  And I realized that much of my resistance to what is is totally unconscious and automatic.  So, I'm left to wonder, how does one deal with resistance when that resistance is unconscious and seemingly beyond one's control?

To try to suppress, deny, change, fix, escape, condemn, or control the resistance is subtly and sneakily the very resistance itself, adversely reacting within/to itself.

The entity which experiences resistance and the resistance itself aren't two separate processes, but a single, joint, self-reacting thought-process.

Thought may take the aforementioned and become the conceptual "knower" of it, which is again thought dividing itself into knower-known, experiencer-experienced, etc.

Edited by robdl

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The way to alter the unconscious mind is by ceasing to reflexively believe what springs from it spontaneously. Then be selective about what one believes to be real because what we trust as being real and behave in accordance with we empower in us.

Eventually the unconscious mind will transform into one that expresses itself in the pattern we create in present moment experience that eventually passes away to become part of the memory bank the mind uses to construct self identity.

This consciousness work can be used to transcend any conditioning the mind may have acquired in life and attune our awareness to a clarity and equanimity that liberates the self from suffering.

Edited by SOUL

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