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Can everything be a prespective?

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That's why some people might find law of attraction not very effective at times. Reality only is. There are no positive and negaitve sides, right?

This only affects our mood and how well we function as a human. Changing from negative to positive thinking can be a huge leap for many people but after a stage of development, it's about going beyond that :)

But can thinking be not a prespective? Is there anything but prespective?

Edited by Pouya

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Even if you become hyper conscious you can just see through a facet of Godlike absolute prespective?

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When you go full circle and become God, you realize that God is being all perspectives and all perceivers at the same time. There is no perspective but God's. Being everything, God is All-knowing and is all perspectives. But direct awareness of God is beyond perspective, it's direct actuality and reality, what is.  

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'Everything' includes this perspective as well. It's like saying that everything is imagination including this claim. Hello strange-loops! ?

How to escape strange-loopery? That is the question.

Edited by Truth Addict

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@Pouya To me, the term “perspective” suggests a particular view that is not another alternative view. It also suggests personal ownership of the perspective. For example, his perspective from the balcony differs from her perspective in the garden. Or, her perspective on the value of psychotherapy for treatment differs than his. Yet in other areas, I’m not so sure. Yesterday, I was in the woods and was curious about a deer ahead. Is that a perspective? I tried to mimic bird calls by whistling. A perspective? I wondered what random thoughts would be like and stuff like “Naclof dajaff hisfid slojik” flowed through my mind and I wondered if it was nonsensical or “post logical” intuitive impulses arising that made sense in a way I couldn’t understand. It didn’t seem like a perspective, I also wondered how chubby bumble bees can fly. That didn’t seem like a perspective either. Just groundless stuff floating around through my mind without an owner.

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To me:

Law of attraction to me is likely stage orange propaganda.

What seems more likely to me is that it’s simply a realigning of one’s reticular activation system (RAS).

Research “reticular activation system” and “motivation” for more info.

In light of spiral Dynamics, even though it’s just a model, it enables me to contextualise the utility and motives of propaganda much more effectively. Each stage would reflect different qualities of propaganda here.

As for perspective, yes I think that’s probably the case though many like to proselytise high probabilities and consistencies as absolutes when this is certainly not necessarily the case. The worst kind proselytise perceived (as being) absolutes merely because they feel good and or “because it feels right”. Perspective is also just a perspective in this case, meaning I wouldn’t take this as an absolute either.

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Actually as to whether it’s stage orange or not is of course debatable, it’s probably got a few stages involved there, perhaps originating from stage turquoise (not sure though - don’t care enough to research more at the moment on that topic). It really depends in the way it’s used, in many ways stage orange has taken it over where now you have, “get a mansion!”, “become a millionaire!”, “find your true love!” and all this sort of stuff, posited with the idea that one should and can use “the law of attraction” to achieve these things.

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Is there a “source of negative”, and a “source of positive”?

Are you finding “attraction” empowering you on either account? 

All your dreams coming true by aligning with the sensations telling you your perspective is not True? That ever worked, even once?




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@Nahm i would say no to the sources and the attraction.

When I dream about my vision of me in future, it becomes true when I act apon it not by attracting it. 

But sometimes I get to meet people and see things that can really help the vision come true. That might be the attraction or me being aware of oppurtunities.

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@Pouya Cool. Except...  you aren’t a human, you don’t have moods, you’re not ‘meeting people and seeing things’, and reality is not a separate thing from you. In that ‘reality just is’ perspective, in the unknowing of the actuality of reality, arises the questioning of if there are “positive’ and ‘negative’ “sides”. There are no “sides” at all, sans a linguistic cover up, so is “reality” both, or neither? Separated as such, by the perspective, ‘reality just is’...that ‘you’ has a source...and you don’t know if it’s “positive”, or “negative”, both or neither.

Indeed, “it’s about going beyond that”, beyond thinking, directly into the self, the source of the whole of all hollow thought. Realize the ‘attraction’, and the source makes sense, realize the source, and the attraction makes sense. 




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  On 7/27/2019 at 1:17 PM, Pouya said:

@Nahm i would say no to the sources and the attraction.

When I dream about my vision of me in future, it becomes true when I act apon it not by attracting it. 

But sometimes I get to meet people and see things that can really help the vision come true. That might be the attraction or me being aware of oppurtunities.

I would say that the brain/awareness use an attention span that focus mainly on the things you are unconsciously attracted to.

Internal desire shape reality

Belief system create physical opportunity

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The “attraction” is so many floors deeper so to speak, than the actuality of what a “perspective” is, though not at all separate. If you’re creating your own reality, and reality is an all encompassing term, then you are creating perspective,  perception, and your “self” which creates perspectives, and appears to be perceiving. If you think of driving an old blue truck right now, it’s easy to notice you are not actually driving an old blue truck right now, but rather, that’s a thought you’re aware of right now. It seems to get tricky in adding the actuality, the “slight of Hand”...if you were actually driving an old blue truck right now, and thinking about driving an old blue truck, it’d be convincing that is you driving and thinking, unaware you’re creating all of it. 



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