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Instragram/Google A.I Spyware? or Universe is hitting full throttle :D

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I noticed for a while now when i am on these smart devices and using these modern apps they seem predict quite often what i was about to search or looking for so i thought id do an experiment and use its AI capabilities to my advantage to manifest something as I also notice nowadays manifestation occurs far more rapidly than it did few years ago. Its almost becoming instantaneous as it is in higher dimensional realities.

I opened up Instagram and i spoke (out loud) in front of my phone as if i am talking to myself and i was saying things like hmm, i wonder where i can find some shrooms or psychedelics right now for a moment or two then scrolled around a bit, liked a few posts and logged out.

Few hours later i check my phone and log on Instagram and one guy added me and under their description: selling shrooms, psychedelic, dmt, acid ect.. who is this agent smith? LOL I've noticed this few times now with slightly different examples/experiments.

I'm gonna glitch the system :D



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Yeah it is awesome isn't it! xD
Everything is always in synchronicity, its all about what level of consciousness you are at to be able to see it, and when you can see it all your wishes manifest. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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Its working towards a state of quantum entanglement. May even give birth to A.I. You better pray to the gods this doesn't happen. We will reach levels of npc culture you never though imaginable.   

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