
Breatharian High Consciousness Gatherings/Festivals

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I wish to go deeper into my relationship with food to see if this is something i transition really does sound like a breath of fresh air ?

Interesting interview 

Edited by DrewNows

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Enjoy your creation :)



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@pluto Much appreciation on such a detailed description of your journey. Thank you for the inspiration ??

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11 hours ago, flume said:

@pluto Honestly, the first time I read this post I was just laughing and making fun of it in my head. Got myself back together quickly though because I actually have experienced not being hungry for days when I had some kind of realisation or when I felt more 'aligned’ with life than usual (somehow ‘in the flow’, it’s hard to explain). It’s like I just forgot to eat. Also needing less sleep and being more aware while sleeping. It feels like being plugged into an invisible electricity outlet that gives you endless amounts of energy, doesn’t it? So I got caught in closed mindedness for a bit… but I’m willing to get out of it :-)

May I ask how active you are? I can imagine going without food when I wouldn’t have to move much but I have a very physically demanding job.
I can’t even manage intermittent fasting because I would literally drop by 11 am if I don’t eat breakfast.

That is normal, we have been conditioned since we were born to think and believe a certain way so we have (hard-wiring) that needs deprogramming to realize our true nature and full potential. Humans have to realize, we simply at that stage of evolution now where we can live much fuller lives with far less of physical need or nourishment. The more empty we are, the more "universally" full we become aware of(so to speak).

For me this isn't anything knew, i knew people that lived this way even before breatharianism was a thing, so i had direct experience and deprogramming many years ago as i understand that we are so much more capable than the world has taught and conditioned us to think.

I couldn't give you direct answer because lately i am going through phases like i said in the earlier posts so not fully integrating due to my lifestyle choices but i easily transition when needed here and there and i can be active as well if needed but the deeper you go into living with less, the more spiritually aware you become so your lifestyle will naturally be driven in a calm and gentle manner.

You will experience a lot of fluctuations initially until everything stabilizes because there is still a lot of things to be cleared, programs to be de-fragmented, belief systems to be reset ect.. Eventually you will be guided on what to do as you purify self.

I am considered a freak of nature but i also know we are all the same on a core level, so it all comes down to how much you know and believe in yourself at a fundamental level. I could go on several hours a day mountain climbing/hikes just on water for weeks at a time without food and still be energetically efficient and stable. I couldn't say much about high intensity sports or extreme activity because when i am fasting or practicing this lifestyle, i tend to become like a monk, i am very calm and still because my body is so pure.

Many believe this is just lack of energy due to no food but i actually feel more alive and energized in a calm way, like i am now using a completely difference source of energy which feels primal, divine yet gentle and stable. There is no spikes or hyper-activity, everything is calm and infinite.

I highly suggest watching videos of Ray Maor, he is one of the best teachers for this stuff because he is a perfect example of how to live more with spirit/pranic living, yet be just as active in physical reality and function in society. Other teachers or masters who are deeper into the lifestyle are completely spiritual and live as monks, hermits and or in solitude away from society but Ray is the middle ground.

Here is he's youtube channel



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hello is anybody lives near South Carolina and wants to go to breatharian process with Nicolas Pilartz? it will be in March for 9 days.

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@pluto Lol, breatharians are out of touched with reality. The problem is they don't understand the nature of reality and the laws of nature within the dream of conciousness, so they follow conceptual ideas in a delusional manner believing that nourishment isn't required for the survival of their biological organism. 

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1 hour ago, Red-White-Light said:

@pluto Lol, breatharians are out of touched with reality. The problem is they don't understand the nature of reality and the laws of nature within the dream of conciousness, so they follow conceptual ideas in a delusional manner believing that nourishment isn't required for the survival of their biological organism. 

You couldn't be further from the truth. You are using 3rd dimensional thinking to try to understand multi-dimensional nature. You are seeing 'physical reality' as the 'true nature' when physical reality is an illusion in itself.

These people are far more tuned into the 'true nature' of reality thus why they can thrive without food and some even water, they have mastered the illusion(physicality - The Matrix ect..) to such a high degree they can thrive with much less.

I have been living off 2 - 3 mangoes a day for last few weeks and i feel amazing and more alive than when i consume more physical things as a source of energy/nourishment. I have many days and situations where i have had no food or water available and i ground my feet on the earth and sun bath or meditate for 10 minutes and am recharged.

You must activate the eye that sees, the eye that knows. The inner-awareness of who you are that "projects" this physical reality you 'think' is the only real and true nature. You are using the wrong eyes, the physical eyes and brain are simply a guidance system to navigate through physicality, they cannot see/think outside themselves so they cannot know they are in an illusion, they do not realize they are a dream and you are dreaming them. You think you are the mind and brain so you are using and embodying a very limited level of consciousness/awareness to navigate as you have accepted that level as being the true level and true nature.

You are inside the box looking withing its walls while someone who is using the inner-awareness that is beyond mind/brain to 'see' reality is on a spaceship seeing your whole planet spin. Does the Ant know its crawling through a barn?

I suggest to Fast, Detox, De-calficy and Activate to Awaken from sleep, from the illusion. Become Lucid and Dream Awake.



Edited by pluto


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3 hours ago, Rainbow said:

hello is anybody lives near South Carolina and wants to go to breatharian process with Nicolas Pilartz? it will be in March for 9 days.

Cool does it cost anything? 

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@pluto Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a psychotic disorder. People who have it can't tell what's real from what is imagined. Delusions are the main symptom of delusional disorder. They're unshakable beliefs in something that isn't true or based on reality.

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Very interesting. I need to research this more. Since my glimpse of infinite consciousness, ive been eating like 50% of food and also sleeping like 2-3 hours less without no effect on energy whatsoever. In fact I feel much more energetic. 

I don't know if extremes are good but definitely people eat way more than they should 

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2 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

@pluto Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a psychotic disorder. People who have it can't tell what's real from what is imagined. Delusions are the main symptom of delusional disorder. They're unshakable beliefs in something that isn't true or based on reality.

@Red-White-Light You are imagining reality. Get over it. There's no "grounded reality" but the one you imagine to be. That's why everything that you can read in this thread COULD be possible.

That doesn't mean of course that the OP could be lying and actually all breathtarians could be a scam, though, I'm just saying you need to be aware of the implicit beliefs you are projecting as "reality" or "the limits of consciousness". 



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@Javfly33 If I jump off a building and believe I can fly I will because reality is just imagination. The laws of phycics don't apply. Do you not see how deluded you are by denying Actuality? 

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2 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

@Javfly33 If I jump off a building and believe I can fly I will because reality is just imagination. The laws of phycics don't apply. Do you not see how deluded you are by denying Actuality? 

@Red-White-Light Well, let me explain. The laws of physics exist whitin imagination. The laws of physics is also imagination. Basically any world that you perceive through your limited self (Mind and beliefs) will be the world Maya(illusion). Of course any invention that makes the world of Maya limited, will effectively will make Maya limited (for example, physics). 

For example you surely have had dreams sometimes in where you drop something and it fell off to the ground. The law of physics within the dream will actually make you unable to fly. Does that mean thay physics existed in your dream? Well, kind of. It depends on your perspective. I would say that they existed but they were not actually "real", or at least they would have lost their meaning as being categorized as a "limit". Which in my opinion is the important key to the this discussion since you probably are skeptic of Breatharians because it implies cutting through the limit of Biology laws.

I think I explained myself better with this last paragraph, also pardon my first message because I was a little harsh and rude I hadn´t had coffee yet today lol.

Edited by Javfly33

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