
Leo new video on free will?

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@Schahin you're getting it.  It is based on perspective.  But why fight that? Why not embrace it.  I sense that you are leaning towards non free will and only God's perspective.   From your perspective you have free will.  You can shift perspectives but you can't be both simultaneously.  Even though you are.

Edited by Inliytened1


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15 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Schahin you're getting it.  It is based on perspective.  But why fight that? Why not embrace it.  I sense that you are leaning towards non free will and only God's perspective.   From your perspective you have free will.  You can shift perspectives but you can't be both simultaneously.  Even though you are.

But ultimately the true perspective would be that it is all gods will and all predestined/predetermined? 

If one pursues the human free will independently of the gods free will then it would mean life happens all in coincidences, randomly and the future is not foreseen nor is anything predetermined and god is mostly the running force of life as in the fire and love that creates lifeforms but doesnt consciously decide but lets it be decided randomly by the ego it created and incarnated but which due to the complexity of its brain and the environment has a chance to develop itself as it wishes not being known to what it leads at the end. 

Seeing it from the god perspective well then it means there is no coincidence all is destiny already laid out, nothing could have happened other than it happened as it happened and the future is clear just not revealed to the humans yet (or might through astrological calculations, which in my opinion has really good insights on the future sometimes, for example this month for me was predicted someone long forgotten and really loved one would write me a message and that is what exactly happened) 

Edited by Schahin

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@How to be wise @Conrad @Angelite

Hadith qudsi means a revelation from Allah to Mohammad while, in opposition to the Quran, Mohammad is free to use his own words and language to communicate it. The Quran must be communicated in the exact same words, no more no less. Or so they claim.


Are you aware of how confusing these kinds of answers are? Plus, do you realise how useless these kinds of answers are? What's the point of answering if the answer makes no sense? My suggestion is to at least make some effort to put your answers in a context where they could start being valuable to the reader instead of just trying to communicate them through a linear logical approach. To me, it becomes a form of mental masturbation. I'm saying that with no intent to bother you. Much love and respect for you David ❤️


I too am excited to hear what Leo has to say about this topic. The way I see it is not a logical form of understanding, but more of a realistic/pragmatic understanding.

From observing reality, I realised no free will. The way I see it is that it is the ultimate freedom that a human being could get. Think about it, if I have no free will, but then the thing that controls the whole universe and keeping balanced through everything, creating life from death and causing death from life, etc... With deep observation, it becomes obvious that this universe is infinitely intelligent and loving. Now, if that is the case, then I am free to do whatever I want. I have the ultimate freedom because I am blessed and protected by infinite love, infinite intelligence, and infinite goodness.

No free will is an advantage, not a limitation. It's a feature, not a bug.

Edited by Truth Addict

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22 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

@How to be wise @Conrad @Angelite



I too am excited to hear what Leo has to say about this topic. The way I see it is not a logical form of understanding, but more of a realistic/pragmatic understanding.

From observing reality, I realised no free will. The way I see it is that it is the ultimate freedom that a human being could get. Think about it, if I have no free will, but then the thing that controls the whole universe and keeping balanced through everything, creating life from death and causing death from life, etc... With deep observation, it becomes obvious that this universe is infinitely intelligent and loving. Now, if that is the case, then I am free to do whatever I want. I have the ultimate freedom because I am blessed and protected by infinite love, infinite intelligence, and infinite goodness.

No free will is an advantage, not a limitation. It's a feature, not a bug.

I agree with you, no free will is very liberating as you start to stop worrying anymore. 

It always depends on our cultural background, how our family raised us and what religion was imposed on us, that basically the majority of people think they have free will. 

One needs to find out the truth in order to let go not worry and feel protected as a human being even in the most difficult times knowing this is all how it should be and there is a reason to it. 

But how to get to that truth for me is another question, some might say get enlightened and you'll be conscious of it. But even with enlightened people (most I know enlightened by 5 Meo Dmt) the discussion is not on point, many say no free will but I have heard of some saying free will yes. 

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4 minutes ago, Schahin said:

many say no free will but I have heard of some saying free will yes. 

Okay, but would the answer affect your life? I mean what's the difference? It's just language and semantics, symbols and pointers. They don't affect reality (you) unless you let them do.

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Yes there is freewill, but it's not for granted. There is only so many ways causality can work.

To a Pantheist, which is true, there is no freewill. 
If made in the image of God, there is freewill.

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2 hours ago, Truth Addict said:

Okay, but would the answer affect your life? I mean what's the difference? It's just language and semantics, symbols and pointers. They don't affect reality (you) unless you let them do.

3 hours ago, Truth Addict said:

Yes it would definitely change ones life, as thinking there is free will can make one anxious especially in hard times of life, when you dont unserstand ehy things go as they go and why they are as they are, especially when you feel unable to change it to the better and get stuck in a "dark hole" or life crisis. 


Knowing there is no free will and it is all preplanned and every occasion happens out of a good reason and there is no more conicidence then one can stop worrying and start accepting even if it is a lifetime that is very dark. It especially turns the dark times into lighter times. 


Knowing of the abscence of free will can make one believe in a great plan or higher design that the human mind may not comprehend and thinking of having a free will can lead one many times to questioning many events and questioning the basis of existence and get stuck in mindloops which ultimately deter you from being grateful. 

Being grateful sometimes can stop to be easy anymore, as somethings get way too hard to solve, so thats why it is important to rely on a plan/design, accept it and be grateful rather then thinking everything happens ns randomly and we as humans control it totally, and therefore it would be our individual responsibility to get us back on track. 

Edited by Schahin

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@Truth Addict much love for you too but i don't think that my answers were confusing to @Schahin he was grasping what i was saying because we spoke outside the thread.  This is very advanced stuff.


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55 minutes ago, Schahin said:

Yes it would definitely change ones life, as thinking there is free will can make one anxious especially in hard times of life, when you dont unserstand ehy things go as they go and why they are as they are, especially when you feel unable to change it to the better and get stuck in a "dark hole" or life crisis. 


Knowing there is no free will and it is all preplanned and every occasion happens out of a good reason and there is no more conicidence then one can stop worrying and start accepting even if it is a lifetime that is very dark. It especially turns the dark times into lighter times. 


Knowing of the abscence of free will can make one believe in a great plan or higher design that the human mind may not comprehend and thinking of having a free will can lead one many times to questioning many events and questioning the basis of existence and get stuck in mindloops which ultimately deter you from being grateful. 

Being grateful sometimes can stop to be easy anymore, as somethings get way too hard to solve, so thats why it is important to rely on a plan/design, accept it and be grateful rather then thinking everything happens ns randomly and we as humans control it totally, and therefore it would be our individual responsibility to get us back on track. 

Yes that is why enlightenment is liberating - because you stop worrying about little things

But at the same time you have the freedom to believe in free will.  

It's similar to awakening from this dream, knowing it's a dream, and playing in it.   



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At some point, you will stop needing to know, and then start to accept whatever is without no reason or story.

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