
If I commit suicide, will anyone else suffer?

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If I commit suicide, will anyone else suffer? 

I would like a clear answer on this, especially from @Leo Gura if possible. The way I see it just now, this life is pretty much fucked and I just want to be done with it. The shit I have learned about nonduality has utterly destroyed me and on top of that I have to keep going back and forward to a job within a meaningless existence. The darkness and emptiness is utterly vast and unrelenting. If what Leo says about reality is true, in theory I could kill myself and nobody else would suffer as I deamt them all up anyway. If this is true, then I think it is the best course of action. Maybe I will come back into another life and never hear of this stuff again. If others will suffer as a result, I will keep myself going as long as I can for their sake. 

Edited by Shaun

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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Why do you feel that way exactly?

Sailing on the ceiling 


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@Shaun Yes,your family...and you can turn it all the practices...everything sucks mybe thats your blessing but you will only know it looking back

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Lost in spiritual concepts and beliefs, one is missing a connection to absolute love. Go deep, find the love and bring it to yourself. Bring it to the resistance of bringing it to yourself, and the resistance to that, and so on. Find the love feeling. All who love you will more then likely suffer if you commit suicide, and there really is no point to suicide, dead, living, no difference.  

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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Your friends and family will suffer. All is one thing/nothing that dreams it all up yes that's the absolute truth but that doesn't make the dream unvalid. It's all how you look at it. You are like a wave on the ocean, and as a wave you are not separate from the ocean. The ocean is consciousness and you are part of it. What is experiencing Shaun is consciousness, it's what's looking out and observing it all that is the same for all. You still are a wave and there is other waves on the ocean. (people and other expressions of life) This is a good thing. You are not separate from it all. There is the absolute level and then there is the relative level.  It's not like know you know the truth fuck the relative. Even if you are enlightened you still gotta pay the bills and do ordinary shit. You just gotta keep on going through this man, right now you have a very bleak perspective on this thing but if you stay with it and accept it it will get better I promise. It could be the best thing that happened to you. IF this is all fresh for you I can understand it can be difficult. I'm 30 now but when I was 17 I had my mind blasted open on a huge dose of shrooms totally unprepared and it shattered my worldview. It was terrible at the time but I integrated what I learned and now I'm glad that happened.  Dont kill yourself. 


And one more thing, I read some of your other posts. If you where the only person like sopilism, there is no way you can know and it doesn't make a difference anyway. + if you don't know that others will suffer or not, well than there is the chance they will right? Don't take the risk. Your post really hit me man since I've been in a similar place, it can get very dark. You can talk to me if u need someone to talk with. 

Edited by Fishy

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You say you have to keep going back and forth to a job within a meaningless existence, and the only alternative you can think of is suicide?  Why not just pack a light backpack and start walking if you are so lost.  Maybe you will find something that is more meaningful.  Maybe you will run into something that is great, or something might click.

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@Shaun I know where you are coming from. Maybe this video I made will help you. In fact, I'm highly confident it will since I haven't seen anyone break it down on a white board like this.


Edited by Angelo John Gage

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Yes, I will suffer. I’ve tried to help you and I failed. Because of that my partner will suffer because I won’t be the usual happy myself. Because of that his customers will suffer because he’ll be distracted and won’t do a quality job. Because of that the customers' partners will suffers because the customers got upset. It’s a ripple effect, our emotions are contagious.

Even if this life is a dream, you are still part of it and you’re dealing with the dream. You can see that there are great things that you can get. Ok, we need to do something to get what we want but the more you learn how to do it, the easier it gets. I was 35 when I finally started feeling that I know what’s going on.

You’re an adventurous person as I read somewhere that you like camping. Maybe get a motorbike and learn how to ride, you’ll save money as well, it’s better for the planet and you’ll get some excitement. Anyway, that's what I did and it worked for me. I’d also recommend to change your job, it doesn’t seem to be the one for you at all.

I have an opinion on everything :D

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How long have you been feeling this way?

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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I always say that EGO has the power to turn all of the consciousness truths to nihilism and I understand from the style of your writing that you experience nihilism.

your decision is coming from the place of lack, bleak and misery, not from the pure understanding from the reality.

we're all here to lessen the burden of EGO to the extent that we'd see reality as LOVE, PURE JOY, etc.

maybe you put up resistance against your desires. when the desires aren't met properly, EGO turns everything to black. so follow your joy and desire and excitement. keep in mind that you need love, sex, companionship, success, pleasure, comfort and so and so forth.

so please get back to your life and start achieving material successes alongside consciousness work.


"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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It makes no sense. The dream should end with me if I am the all that is. 

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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22 hours ago, Shaun said:

If I commit suicide, will anyone else suffer? 

Everyone who knows you would suffer, because they love you.

If others will suffer as a result, I will keep myself going as long as I can for their sake. 

Start living for you. Do what you want to do. Blaming (nonduality, Leo, whoever & whatever else) won’t get you anywhere. Sensations are telling you the way you’re looking at things feels terrible. Nothing any of us could say could reach you as intimately as God within, loving you. This is why it feels terrible looking at yourself and life the way you are (blaming etc). Make changes in your life, accept help from all resources, you will see life is wonderful. ♥️ Let your thoughts & ideas about nonduality go, they are only thoughts & ideas. 

What is your plan? Your life’s dream? What do you like? What do you love? 

You have unique gifts, what are they? 

Have you tried therapy? Reiki?   What help have you allowed in so far? 




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Consciousness is fundamental, consciousness cannot end it is infinite. Consciousness is what you really are, sure you the ego can end, but if you do it that way you would never get to spread the love that is deep inside you. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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@Shaun Did you watch the video yet? It's only 8 minutes and it will help. It doesn't deal with WHY but HOW to get out of this. You already know why.


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@hamedsf This so much. The ego will corrupt any teaching when it starts identifying as everything. This kind of work goes against everything the ego wants and this is why we get so much resistance. You are much bigger than the ego whom is trying to identify as God. @ShaunDo you actually know what you are or are you just playing along in the mind? 

@Shaun Live for your sake too. This is ego backlash. Love yourself as much as you love those around you. Think about @Nahm words. Don't get caught up in all the ideas and concepts. If you have not truly experienced what Leo is teaching then you won't truly know what he means. Your ideas of it are self torture when it's not a actually it. Take responsibility and work on letting go. Just be. 

Suffering feels endless and hopeless, we resist it so much after all. But overcoming such hard times is exactly what makes us stronger and better. It's what makes us grow. We'd be completely different people if not for our struggles which teach us deep lessons about ourselves. Instead of escaping, listen. Listen deeply to what you are being told. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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5 minutes ago, Shadowraix said:

@hamedsf This so much. The ego will corrupt any teaching when it starts identifying as everything. This kind of work goes against everything the ego wants and this is why we get so much resistance. You are much bigger than the ego whom is trying to identify as God.


well put!

it still surprises me to see here some guys who are old-timer consciousness seekers but they don't have any spiritual intelligence even as size as the peanut! sorry but no offense! I'm writing from the place of sympathy. these types of posts seem that way and show me that still, these guys aren't aware of the traps of their own mind. 

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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You're clearly misunderstanding the teaching of nonduality. You're confusing "meaninglessness" (which is neutral) with depression (which is negative). 

I suggest you seek professional and qualified help. Nowadays, there are great mood stabilizing medication. You do not have to suffer. 

If you choose to not do that, I'd say you should at least focus on basic self-development (such as visualization, affirmations, and goals). If you keep reading and watching advanced content, you'll misunderstand it and you'll dive deeper into darker and darker moods. 

one day this will all be memories

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1 hour ago, pluto said:

No one will suffer, only you will ;)

What if reality only began creating itself the moment you were born, what if it all ceases to exist the moment you die, what if there is only one you and the rest are all illusory projections of you? Simultaneously the same phenomenon is occurring via all other perceptions of consciousness but ultimately only your perspective is the genuine one as you are totally aware of you!

Some people say the people you will leave behind will miss you and be sad but what if they simply cease to exist without you present? Without you the whole universe is void. You create it as you create the first reflection/duality of THE ONE/Infinite/God.

P.S I am playing a game :P

Don't kill yourselves. Just yet >.< or am i?

I will keep myself alive until all my loved ones are gone, just in case they would suffer if I was to go now. Once they are all  gone, I will be going, too. 

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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15 hours ago, Shaun said:

It makes no sense. The dream should end with me if I am the all that is. 

In a sense but the issue remains and suffering you will experience directly because when you do die or become fully enlightened (so to speak) you will see why you chose to be here and why you chose to view and live it through your unique perspective. If you end it, it will create further suffering as you are resisting what you created to begin with simply because you do/did not have the "sight" to see the greater/higher perspective you designed.

When you finally "get it" you will even be comfortable living blindly again because you know all is for a higher purpose/play. Cause if you really were ready to leave and fully done with yourself you can do it just by aligning with the thought/feeling itself.

Say what you need to say, lay down, close your eyes, count to 10. If you are still here then obviously you are not done. You won't always see with the eyes of divinity, that's fine, that's all a part of the experience.

The key is to surrender and trust it to notice divinity in play, if you never smile first, the mirror will never smile back.


Edited by pluto


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