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The truth about the ego

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From the ultimate perspective, the ego is an illusion and it's a lie. We all have our own version of Truth, but there is such thing as Absolute Truth. That Absolute Truth is that you are God. The ego is not real. It's just a projection of the mind. Once seen through, it vanishes like water in a pond. Once you become conscious of God and yourself as God, the ego no longer remains true or real. Because you have gone from being unconscious to being conscious of yourself as God. Basically, in the end, it's all God and God can and is both unconscious and conscious at the same time, but ultimately fully Conscious.

When you (God) are unconscious, there is an ego and a belief in the existence of the ego. When you are conscious, there is no ego. Only One remain. The ego is seen as the illusion, dream, idea, projection that it was and is. You were just unconscious of it all along, but now you are conscious so nothing left but Truth aka God remains. The ego ceases to exist.    

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This is what we call consciousness, which means that everything else that exists is not real. It's like a black hole, where everything else doesn't matter at this point. The mind is still there, but it has been transformed into God-mind.  The ego is reduced to a mere illusion, non-existent. God is the only true being in existence and He knows nothing about anything other than Himself as the One and Only. God knows nothing but Himself. He knows no ego. If there is an ego, it is His creation and indeed IS Himself.

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either you actually experienced 'God' by smoking weed/shrooms or you're in a drug induced psychosis and are stuck on this forum posting the exact same thing on a daily basis. Saying this stuff doesn't really do a lot, i think it's more practical to talk about how to actually reach that rather than just repeating the same stuff because most everyone on this forum has already heard this kind of stuff said, unfortunately just reading or hearing it doesn't mean people automatically snap into a different state of consciousness so it's kind of pointless to keep making threads about 

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