
Hilariously "hidden" truths

23 posts in this topic

Name your favorite truths which are so obvious, but while living unconsciously we either block them out or paradoxically realize and don't realize them at the same time.  

My entry was the one discussed in another post how we as a species both intrinsically know that we are part of nature, and paradoxically forget that we are when drawing distinctions between ourselves and nature. Such as saying "I'm going out to be in nature." or that "nature is perfect, and mankind is not". 

I think another hilarious 'hidden' truth is if you grow up praying to a god, and you discover you have always and can only pray. Not even to yourself because the prayer would be yourself.  It's just prayer. But it seems to have some effect, as many have testified. ?

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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"Physical external objective reality."

When you're really conscious, it becomes seriously laughable.

Not in the sense that you immediately realize that "everything is imagination!" (No, I'm nowhere near Leo levels of awareness haha)

But rather, you can get in touch with the raw mysteriousness of what is.

And you see how you explain away the mystery as "here I am looking at these objects"

Just utter nonsense.

But then we always somehow slip and forget, and "physical external objective reality" appears self-evident once more.

It's so absurd.

And funny xD

It's Love.

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No matter where we go, what we do or learn, or how we grow, we will never leave OURSELVES, not even in sleep


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@RendHeaven @DrewNows @Mikael89  Thank you


Lol I thought it would be easy to come up with more, but I guess the problem is these are unconscious truths so I'll have to update as I discover them.


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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My car keys are always at the last place I put them.

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20 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Name your favorite truths which are so obvious, but while living unconsciously we either block them out or paradoxically realize and don't realize them at the same time.  

My entry was the one discussed in another post how we as a species both intrinsically know that we are part of nature, and paradoxically forget that we are when drawing distinctions between ourselves and nature. Such as saying "I'm going out to be in nature." or that "nature is perfect, and mankind is not". 

I think another hilarious 'hidden' truth is if you grow up praying to a god, and you discover you have always and can only pray. Not even to yourself because the prayer would be yourself.  It's just prayer. But it seems to have some effect, as many have testified. ?

You are the One everyone is praying to, being at the same time every being praying and the prayer itself. The supposed effects of prayer is merely an illusion that we have created for ourselves. Figure out how this is so, become conscious of why this is so.

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There is no ”mind” as an object. No container holding thoughts and images. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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I have been noticing a lot lately how often me and other people refer to their thought process as "thinking in their heads". This simple phrase is sooooo so ingraned in our languages. It's not a serious metaphysical claim, or even a serious assumption about thinking and consciousness. Yeah, many subscribe to it but most who have their intellectualism in check would probably say they dont really know if its all about the head. 

You aint gonna think much if you get your head decapitated i guess :D

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Theoretically speaking, as I’m not a believer in belief and think it’s detrimental to the psyche, it’s development and flexibility between contrasting viewpoints:


Nothing ever really truly dies, it is just transformed. 

The same with birth. 

“I” was never really born, nor am I living, I am merely an actor in the play of universal experience.

It is universal experience that is living here, going through constant transformations that we see as life and death.

Edited by possibilities

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8 minutes ago, molosku said:

I have been noticing a lot lately how often me and other people refer to their thought process as "thinking in their heads". This simple phrase is sooooo so ingraned in our languages. It's not a serious metaphysical claim, or even a serious assumption about thinking and consciousness. Yeah, many subscribe to it but most who have their intellectualism in check would probably say they dont really know if its all about the head. 

You aint gonna think much if you get your head decapitated i guess :D

“Youre living in your head too much”

”Who is living in my head?”



And so begins the slippery slope...

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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56 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

My personal favourite: yesterday never happened.

True..  Just because the sun sets and the moon rises, then rinse and repeat... We tend to say that experience is broken down between days, weeks, months and years. But a simple shift in perspective is all it takes to see that LIFE is one unending experience.  The sun set 'yesterday' and rose 'this morning', but I still had an unending experience in between. Those that have more dream awareness will see this truth easier. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@seeking_brilliance I like what you say, but I'm being perhaps differently radical than you. 

I'm saying that you have an experience of a yesterday having happened, but in fact it didn't happen at all. I'm using "yesterday" figuratively.

You came into existence just now.

57% paranoid

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1 hour ago, LastThursday said:

@seeking_brilliance I like what you say, but I'm being perhaps differently radical than you. 

I'm saying that you have an experience of a yesterday having happened, but in fact it didn't happen at all. I'm using "yesterday" figuratively.

You came into existence just now.

Haha I kinda knew what you meant but I wanted to say what I did because its the most basic thing for anyone to comprehend and understand for this topic.  Besides it fits more into my intent of this thread because its a "hidden" truth that we unconsciously ignore, even though any human at any level of consciousness could be led to understand this. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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9 hours ago, LastThursday said:

@seeking_brilliance I like what you say, but I'm being perhaps differently radical than you. 

I'm saying that you have an experience of a yesterday having happened, but in fact it didn't happen at all. I'm using "yesterday" figuratively.

You came into existence just now.

Too woke for sleepers

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The illusion of ‘I’ is that you think you are ‘I’ while you are only ‘am’; and that ‘am’ is the first person singular of the verb ‘to be’. Since, for ‘to be’ you don’t need to say ‘I’, but for to say ‘I’ you need ‘to be’, thus you are prior to ‘I’ as ‘am’, and that ‘am’ is ‘to be’; therefore, to that note, on the ocean of ‘am’ alone, ‘I’ is only a wave.”  xD
Sw. Chidananda Tirtha

Edited by Guru Fat Bastard

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