
Hero's Journey vs A Life of Spiritual Solitude?

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I'm conflicted on choosing to pursue the full fledged Hero's Journey and make a grand adventure out of my life or just stop everything and live out my days in solitude pursuing the highest spiritual truths and then finally share them with the world. 

The issue is that I can't do both. I can't pursue the hero's journey and make my dream of being a successful musician and filmmaker if I'm in solitude, and I can't pursue the highest spiritual truths if I'm after material successes. I'm at a crossroads.

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@Sahil Pandit My intuition is telling me to first pursue the Hero's Journey, as its what I'm resonating with the most right now, and then when I become older, finally pursue the highest spiritual wisdom.

The only issue with this path is that I fear by starting so old and already being so wrapped up in the sensory world, I'll be too far behind.

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I've been listening to Rupert Spira and he says - and I agree - that devoting time to spirituality should come from the sentiment that it is the most interesting and enjoyable thing you can think of doing at that moment. Anything less and it's "blasphemous". So really, just do what you really want, what you find most interesting and enjoyable, with no regrets. If that is out there "in the world", that's absolutely fine. 

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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What a wonderful question.

There is no "behind".

If your intuition is telling you one thing, I wonder what is telling you the other. And what that means.


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to hell with solitude, go and become a musician! chase after material success! alongside meditate on a daily basis! 

Edited by hamedsf

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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Always follow your truest passion, your deepest truth, your highest calling and you will always be taken care of. You are infinitely abundant, trust creation. Its flawless!

Edited by pluto


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13 hours ago, EternalForest said:

I'm conflicted on choosing to pursue the full fledged Hero's Journey and make a grand adventure out of my life or just stop everything and live out my days in solitude pursuing the highest spiritual truths and then finally share them with the world. 

The issue is that I can't do both. I can't pursue the hero's journey and make my dream of being a successful musician and filmmaker if I'm in solitude, and I can't pursue the highest spiritual truths if I'm after material successes. I'm at a crossroads.

Who says there's a difference? You could spend a decade living isolated in the country, doing nothing but reading, meditating, doing self-inquiry and self-actualising, before moving to the city and becoming an utter beast at business (ethical business, mind you.) David Bowie studied as a Buddhist monk before deciding his life purpose was to be a musician. So did Tom Waits. On the flipside, Matthieu Ricard was on par to become a very respected molecular biologist, before he decided to drop everything and become a Tibetan monk in the Himalayas. Emma Slade was a successful investor becoming a Buddhist nun.

It's called the Hero's Journey, not Hero's "State of Being." Things can and will change for you. Follow your intuition in the current moment, and your path will unfold over time.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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