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Amy Irene

How to Open Chakras in Practice

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Hi everyone <3

I've studied the very basics of Chakras, like what they are and what each of them are responsible for. The concept resonates with me and now I'm interested to find out what are the practical methods that I need to start doing to actually open all of the Chakras and to balance them. I suppose I need to do different things for different Chakras and do mental and physical practices. Can you tell me how to get started? I tried to use the search and I also tried to look it up from other free internet resources, but I didn't find much more than the basics that I already know. I need a more practical approach.



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At the core of Chakra work is love and consciousness, we must practice unconditional love and cultivate a connection to our pure essence. To open them we must feel into them, shine our love onto them. Constantly remain aware of your Chakras as you go threw life, be mindful of what you feel in each Chakra, and talk to them ask them where they need more love, and give that love to them. Leo has a great book on his book list on the subject, I would certainly recommended it. 

Edited by OctagonOctopus

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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This a subject that i have been studying and experimenting with for a while and here are my conclusions:

1. Hatha Yoga is great. Breath deeply, feel the stretch, let go. 

2. Challenging yourself, trying new things, going out of your comfort zone. Chakras affect our behavior and our behavior affect them in the same way.

3. Raw living foods, fruits, fasting. Lots of energetic blocks are correlated with toxins, mucus, old fecal matter the body is stuck with affecting the chakra of the correspondent area and vice versa.  It is common, for instance, to have diarrhea after some energy work/therapy, this means the body is expelling toxins and it was holding due to energy blocks on the spot.



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I guess these are good tips but I was hoping to find even more definitive answers. I probably should start doing the right kind of yoga, that sounds "practical". I was hoping to hear something like; for root chakra, do this, and for sacral chakra, do that. But I guess it ain't so simple. I should read the book. But anyways, it would be nice to hear how all of you are going about this.

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I think Kriya Yoga would be a good match for what you are seeking.

It works by stilling the mind through preparatory practices first and then you dive into subtle energy points in the body and ultimately raise the Kundalini energy through all the Chakras.

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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@Amy Irene

I would have given practical practices, but I want to support the author of the book and Leo's book list. The initials of the author I am referring to is 'TS'. 

Also you will learn much more from reading the books then just doing the practices, if you just do the practices you could end up going way off in the wrong direction. Its important to be aware of all the traps one might fall into. 

Edited by OctagonOctopus

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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