The Don

They Are Laughing At Me

21 posts in this topic


I wanted to share with you what's happening to me while I'm at work.

Many of my colleagues talk behind my back. They gossip about me all the time and I'm not exaggerating.

For example, I'm used to eat one meal and day and when I take a break, I eat a little bit more. But when they see that, they start laughing and gossiping about what I eat.

"Ohh, look how much is this jerk is eating!", "What?! Did you see how much butter is he eating at once?". I hear stuff like that all the time. I also see them laughing.

Sometimes they make really ugly remarks about me.

The fact of the matter is that I don't eat carbohydrates and I eliminated the sugars completely.

They think I'm a weirdo.

Anyway, why are they behaving like this? I've never been mean to them.

Edited by The Don
To correct a statement and a word.

Me on the road less traveled.

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They see you as weak and easy target to make their miserable life more fun..

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Do something about it! It’s not right what they’re doing! That’s bullying. Keep trying to fix it or leave. You might not be able to fix it right away but you’ll get better at it with experience. Try asking questions like:

  • What is your problem?
  • What’s wrong with what I’m doing?
  • What have I done to you?

Or even stating:

  • I’ve heard that.
  • That’s wrong what you’re doing.
  • Mind your own business.
  • Get over it.
  • That’s not your problem what I’m doing.

Every little bit counts, you'll eventually get there. Environment like this is not good for you. Not that you should care what they think, it’s all wrong what they are saying but it’s hard to constantly ignore this negativity, you have better things to do with your energy. Just make sure you don’t ever step down to their level but you still have to do something. People like that shouldn’t get away with it, that’s wrong!

I wouldn’t really care why they’re doing it, it’s hard to understand mean people.

I have an opinion on everything :D

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Watch some charisma on command videos. They have good tips on how to defuse situations like that.

It just seems like they dont like you.

As long as they talk behind your back, its hard to do anything. Maybe point out to them, that talking behind someones back like that is just plain rude.

If I were in your position I would befriend the group. One by one. At least some, if they are otherwise ok people. Talk to them, share some stories, some laughs.

I would also write down any bullying, mobbing they do and go to lawyer. But thats just me playing the system. I think there might be easy money to make.

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@The Don That's a form of bullying and bullying fueled by the need to control which in turn comes from insecurity. 

So, these people are basically insecure little egos trying to boost their sense of superiority by picking on others. That's what unconscious beings do. Don't take it personally, it's not about you, it's about them looking to dump their negative energy onto someone, and you just happen to be there.

This is a common dynamic between narcissist and empath. Setting boundaries and cultivating healthy self-love are two important ways an empath can protect themselves from others' toxic energy. Observe, don't absorb. 

Also, a good vid on point 'How Do You Deal With Unconscious People'

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Don't be mean. But never remains weak.

See I m not strong of body. But I could laugh on dead babies raped.

When someone Fuck with me. I'll look for the trigger point to push them in a existential dread.

Disrupt their reality. Take their beliefs and make them eat their own tails.

It's love in the end. Free individuation and a ladder to join my level.

You don't need to be violent in the common sense. We get what we seed.

Best way is avoid taking your Time and focus on low consciousness talks.

Or take an accurate lenses.

A better question tho. Why your réputation at work means. Is that important ?

I fight once at school because a kid was lying about me and fucking my way to survive stable in the establishment. He talked talked and I crush his head in the physical sense.

Don't do that. I just mean. I know what was this feeling.

But I couldn't avoid school

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1 minute ago, Natasha said:

@The Don That's a form of bullying and bullying fueled by the need to control which in turn comes from insecurity. 

So, these people are basically insecure little egos trying to boost their sense of superiority by picking on others. That's what unconscious beings do. Don't take it personally, it's not about you, it's about them looking to dump their negative energy onto someone, and you just happen to be there.

This is a common dynamic between narcissist and empath. Setting boundaries and cultivating healthy self-love are two important ways an empath can protect themselves from others' toxic energy. Observe, don't absorb. 

Also, a good vid on point from a higher conscious perspective

This aswell is a side of reality.

You cannot project into thought what is not at first ' inside the mind '

Personal context relative note :

If you see shit everywhere it is maybe that you're full of shit ( haaaaaaaaa )

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1 minute ago, Aeris said:

This aswell is a side of reality.

You cannot project into thought what is not at first ' inside the mind '

Personal context relative note :

If you see shit everywhere it is maybe that you're full of shit ( haaaaaaaaa )

I'm an empath too and used to absorb others' energy until I started setting boundaries and cultivating healthy self love. So I can personally relate to the OP. My knowledge comes from observing reality over the years. Besides, we all get bullied in covert or overt ways at some point. 'Observe, don't absorb ' method is what has worked for me and many people I shared it with. Hope it will help Don as well.


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Thank you folks.

I truly don't give a damn about what they think, speak or do.

I just want to understand why are they doing what they do. Why are they behaving like this when they shouldn't.

Me on the road less traveled.

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2 minutes ago, Shiva said:

You're an easy target.

The best you can do IMO is to fully own what you're doing.

I don't know you but I know a lot of people following radical diets that tend to be quite judgemental and criticize (directly or indirectly) others on their diets. If that is you, stop that if you want people to like you!

I understand what you're saying but I'm never criticizing their diets. Most of the time I'm politie to them. I respect everybody.

I don't hate anyone, even the people who talk behind my back.

Me on the road less traveled.

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8 minutes ago, The Don said:

I understand what you're saying but I'm never criticizing their diets. Most of the time I'm politie to them. I respect everybody.

I don't hate anyone, even the people who talk behind my back.

Yes, but you assume, that they should do the same, but your assumptions aren't alligned with reality, that's why it bothers you.

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4 hours ago, bejapuskas said:

Yes, but you assume, that they should do the same, but your assumptions aren't alligned with reality, that's why it bothers you.

I agree with that. They should behave as they want and for that matter, I shouldn't be bothered by any of their actions; even if they speak badly of me.

Anyway, thoughts can't hurt me. I know that thoughts are just a figment of our imagination, so why are we so afraid of others?

We definitely shouldn't be afraid of other's thoughts.

When we realize this, we walk freely and without worries. What can be more pleasant than that?

Me on the road less traveled.

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17 hours ago, The Don said:


I wanted to share with you what's happening to me while I'm at work.

Many of my colleagues talk behind my back. They gossip about me all the time and I'm not exaggerating.

For example, I'm used to eat one meal and day and when I take a break, I eat a little bit more. But when they see that, they start laughing and gossiping about what I eat.

"Ohh, look how much is this jerk is eating!", "What?! Did you see how much butter is he eating at once?". I hear stuff like that all the time. I also see them laughing.

Sometimes they make really ugly remarks about me.

The fact of the matter is that I don't eat carbohydrates and I eliminated the sugars completely.

They think I'm a weirdo.

Anyway, why are they behaving like this? I've never been mean to them.

Find another job it's not going to chance. Your colleagues are in fact most likely narrow minded assholes. 

That being need to take some accountability yourself. 

Just because technically you are probably right about your diet you dont need to be weird about it. Eating a shitload of butter in one going right under their are just setting yourself up for shit like that. Do that at home. You can eat yoguert at work for example. Or Almonds for fats. Or protein shakes with fats in them or something. No need to make your diet a whole big drama show that everyone is forced to watch. 


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Passivity breeds contempt. Directly and as calmly as you can tell them the problem and tell them what they'll do to solve it. If not tell Human Resources about that your colleges are workplace bullies. If you lose confidence talking to them it = over.

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I usually challenge foes to a duel (i.e. physical fight) if other means do not work. One time I challenged someone to a fight to the death, I was very serious about defending my honour in those periods.

I've never lost a fight.

I nearly got into a physical fight with my brother (he's bigger than me because he worked out more than me during this period) a few months ago but I stood him down, saying that I gladly welcomed his physical challenges (he wanted to fight me) and would continue talking to him the way I pleased because I was being authentic. He believed I was being disrespectful, I believed I was just expressing what I believed to be the truth. In the end nothing came of it but knowing him because he has a bit of an ego he probably has hidden resentment towards me about things I said.

You seem to value "being respectful", of which I do not. I value respecting the truth because when people respect truth they tend to be more deserving of respect but if you're just being respectful because you've been conditioned to be or out of fear, then that is something I would address.

I don't condone following my path necessarily, just briefly sharing my experience.

Edited by possibilities

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To add to my previous comment:

I won't lie though, my brother (I have more than one) is probably the only person I've ever really feared and it was in this instance haha.

He's a pretty powerful guy (financially well off and well connected) so at the time it was within the realms of possibility to me that he may hire a hitman and have me killed off or even he do it himself (potentially would).

That's the cost of being true to yourself, or more broadly speaking, just truth. Its a tricky thing that I haven't completely worked out so I'm still doing reflection there.

In the end that's what you have to ask yourself, how much is truth worth?

Is this (i.e. a situation in which truth is being highly distorted) what life is worth living for?

So I came into this life to only allow _____ (i.e. some kind of distortion)____?

You gotta be courageous in this life otherwise what's the point in living it, cowardice shows a complete misunderstanding of existence in my opinion.

Peace and all the best there.

Edited by possibilities

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I would confront them. This does not mean to have a fight and trying to defend your way of life or anything like that. Just tell them the truth about how you don't like what they are saying about you and that you would like them to stop doing that.

Be confident but also detached. If they see fear in you it won't have nearly the same impact. You need to not care at all about what they are saying but still establish a boundary. Remember that ultimately it really doesn't matter what they think about you. You are better then that :)

Sailing on the ceiling 


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Honestly just don’t give a shit man. Shit happens to me sometimes too and the more you care less, the more they stop. Saying stuff like “mind your own business” is ofc good and if it really gets to you make sure to say something about it.

Am warning you though: reacting in ANY way means they got what they wanted (your attention). That’s why I recommend not giving a shit.

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