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Do Christian Cults still kill people that study mystical stuff?

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@ActualizedDavid Example? i am not wary of any christian cults, anglo-english (british royal family - my queen lol) is a cult imo, they are the ones that started the crusades and tried to kill all other religious people. Including the native american tribes I.e the mayan. 

Nowadays, there is no need for christian cults to kill mysticism, instead those who like to worship satan (christian version of devils) or any worshipper of the dark arts (harry potter funny quotes) basically rely on materialism to cover up mysticism. Therefore adding to the genjitsu (japanese word for illusion from naruto anime) of the philosophers nichtze statement (God is dead, we have killed him). As a result, stops mysticism in its tracks. There is no need for them to kill preachers. The average person nowadays (a materialist) will not listen to them. They will see them as deluded. Hence cern are trying to create energy using the hydron collider experiment. If they were to find a base particle, then it would make materialism absolute. However, as a mystic we know its impossible. hypothetically, if they were successful and found an indivisible particle, religion would die amongst the citizens. Except for a selected few, who would then pray for more material wealth and power in the world 

its impossible to stop religion, because faith in god is such a powerful force. So we have to use devilry to cover it up. 

edit: note that some of what i said was subjective, some was objective like materialism being an obstacle to mysticism itself. 

Edited by Aakash

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Conversly, i'll start adding non -dual answers to my dualistic answer 

who is the one who thinks there is a such a thing as Christianity, can you tell me where Christianity is located? 

who is the one who dies, death is an illusion 

mysticism is who you are. the true self. it is not something that is taught, that can be killed. it can be found through meditating. 

Don't use your mind. Relax and medititate. Let these thoughts pass

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The KKK was a christian cult who killed black people because they thought they were spirituality unclean and connected to satan. I would definitely say that SOMEWHERE there are Christians who would absolutely kill anyone who practises non-religious, non-secular spirituality. Only reason lots dont is because of our modern age and our accepting laws and legislation. Islamic extremists are the ones who you want to be careful around, they'll cut your head off quick time

Edited by Aaron p

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Christians call people who study mystical stuff "cults". Their definition is that anything New Age, or slightly woo woo is a cult. They are usually quite materialistic and don't go very deep with their faith. Christianity for most acts a sort of "fire insurance," it's an easy way to cover yourself from the fear of death and hell. It's not usually questioned much. 

I grew up Baptist and we always talked about the other denominations like they were evil or mislead. Pentecostals still speak in tongues and have a lot more open mindedness to the spirit realm, so we thought that they opened them up to demon possession. Christians do believe in demons, and the supernatural but everything from that realm is either angelic or absolutely evil so it's the greatest thing to be afraid of. 

My Grandfather told a story of a girl who visited their Baptist church from a Pentecostal church and in the middle of the service she started channeling in a man's voice and saying "LISTEN, MY CHILDREN". He was a deacon and him and the rest of them grabbed her and took her to the church basement as quickly as they could and she scared the ever living crap out of the entire congregation. Knowing what I know now, I feel so bad for that girl. 

They do try to control more and more aspects of people's lives, sometimes pastors in the congregation creep their way into controlling families.  A lot of damage is done but not really physical violence. That doesn't mean it doesn't or can't happen somewhere though. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 minute ago, Ero said:

@pluto This is an interesting theory, but it's not applicable to Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Within the Balkans the same rejection of clairvoyance and other similar abilities is present, yet the region was under Ottoman rule (Muslim Theocracy) and no control could be exerted on a different culture. A more applicable explanation would be concerned with the collective ego of a doctrine and the rejection of different and diverging paradigms. 



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