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No sleep at new moon/full moon -> why?

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So, I've noticed I can't sleep at nights when there is a new moon or full moon. It's something I discovered a year ago. And I didn't believe the moon had any agency at first (pharmacist with scientific background, editor for independed journal about rational pharmacotherapy, no big pharma). But then, I tracked my sleep for a few months and didn't follow the moon cycle (which I normally do for practicing ashtanga yoga). Of course, sometimes I would hear about it because there was a super moon or red moon or special thing, but that happened only 3 times. All the other nights I slept less than 4 hours (normally 6-8h), it was new moon or full moon. I can say with some certainty, new moon and full moon have an impact on my sleep. 

Does anybody know how this is possible? Other than gravity, because I know the moon is responsible for the tides, so it has to do something with water, but maybe someone has looked in to this a bit more. Is there any writings in the veda's or somewhere, where there is a bit more elaborate explanation? 

Next to that, is there anything I can do about it? Or is it a sign for an energy that is unbalanced? My dosha is vata, maybe those are more susceptible?

Thank you in advance, I'm just wondering of someone knows anything about this :)


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@vander87 There are 3 states of consciousness we commonly experience, waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. If you meditate before sleep on the selfless self you will instead enter a 4th state of consciousness. These nights of full moon and new moon have something they want to show you. They are a doorway to the 4th state of consciousness.

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45 minutes ago, Solonius said:

Your most likely a werewolf. 


I don't know much about it. But in my experience it's also true. These full/new moon days amplify thought activity somehow and mind can't fall asleep when it is very active. Also if your psychological structure is not okey then in these days it will become even more imbalanced. 

One thing that always works for me is a practice I learned from inner engineering that creates a harmonious psychological structure. I'm emphizising this word psychological  because there's physical, mental, emotional, energy alingment, every kind. I don't go to sleep without it anymore. Now I fall asleep in like 5min continiously for many months on end. Without it I would be rolling for an hour before I'd fall into sleep.

So yea. I'm not an expert on this, but I think the solution is to have equanimous mind, escpesially on full/new moon days because on these days evey imbalance becomes more. At least for me that works 99.99% of the time. 


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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On ‎19‎-‎7‎-‎2019 at 11:00 PM, cetus56 said:

@vander87 There are 3 states of consciousness we commonly experience, waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. If you meditate before sleep on the selfless self you will instead enter a 4th state of consciousness. These nights of full moon and new moon have something they want to show you. They are a doorway to the 4th state of consciousness.

Thank you for your reply. Do you have any information about where I can read more about this? I'm going to try this before the next new moon (9 days ;)), and I'll share my experiences.

@Salvijus What do you mean by 'inner engineering'? What kind of practice do you do? If you have more information, I would love to read more about it. It's really affecting me in a negative way (most of the new moon/full moon nights I don't sleep at all or only 2 hours), very restless meditation the days after, tiredness, less productivity and more negative thoughts. Not that I'm depressed or anything, still quite happy and fulfilled, but it would be great if I could get some direction in how I can handle it better.


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27 minutes ago, vander87 said:

Thank you for your reply. Do you have any information about where I can read more about this? I'm going to try this before the next new moon (9 days ;)), and I'll share my experiences.

@vander87 Sorry, no I don't have any information specifically on full moon-new moon but I know from direct experience getting up on sleepness nights doing midnight sittings that this is the case. Next time I'll have to take note of the moon's phase to see if there is any correlation.

On the 4th state of consciousness and sleep you may want to watch: Papaji- "Freedom from the Mind" where he discusses this in more detail.

Let us know how it goes.

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Sadhguru has a video explaining your situation. It starts at 0:30


I personally have paid attention to my state of mind during a full moon and was able to clearly see quite noticeable changes. I also asked my mother to see if she had a similar experience and she also confirmed. So in my personal experience, it is true

Edited by Chi_

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@cetus56 Hi there! Haha... although I didn't experienced the 4th state of consciousness, I did sleep very very well!! It's a start ;)

I meditated the past three nights 30-45min before I went to bed on the selfless self, the first two nights went easy. But yesterday I was very restless, I actually didn't feel like meditating and all day my thoughts were spinning like crazy. But I did meditate (around 02.00h), because I could not sleep... haha.

The meditation was different from the other two, it felt like I was floating on a ocean going up and down with the waves. I enjoyed that. And afterwards I slept for 7 whole hours! So, meditation works. No 4th state (yet).

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3 minutes ago, vander87 said:

But I did meditate (around 02.00h), because I could not sleep... haha.

The meditation was different from the other two, it felt like I was floating on a ocean going up and down with the waves. I enjoyed that

@vander87 Yes the middle of the night meditations can be quite diffferent. The 'floating on an ocean' sensation shows your heading in the right direction for sure. Nice!

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