Truth Addict


13 posts in this topic

You see that car on the road over there? Completely still.

Imagine the following scenario:

You are sitting on the platform and thinking thoughts about that car, and then out of nowhere, a thought pops up: "move forwards", and the car moves forwards. Another thought pops up: "move backwards", and the car moves backwards. Another thought pops up: "blow horns", and the car blows its horns. etc....

Imagine that being the case for so many times, like a million times, until you get addicted and forget that your thoughts have no effect on the car, then actually start to believe that you control the car with your thoughts. You will create stories for how you control the car, and make scientific research on the visual field and its relationship with thought, blah blah blah.

Imagine that, out of the same nowhere, the car stopped going in accordance with your thoughts. You think: "move forwards", and the car moves backwards, burns up, or does not move at all.

You will be disappointed and shocked at why it doesn't obey your thoughts anymore (a little hit to your ego).

Now imagine that your own body, arms and legs and everything, stopped going in accordance with your thoughts. You would go crazy and literally die, because thoughts won't seem to be in control anymore (so who is in control?). You will realise that the little control you thought you had was all illusory, that you don't own free will, and that it had you all along.

Now, does that mean that everything is random and out of order?

No, of course not. It's all planned. The little illusion of control is planned in order to keep you alive (as an ego). Because if you (God) go against yourself (thought/ego), you will die as an ego, and remain as God.

So, how do things happen? How is reality alive?

By God's will, of course. God does not need to think. God is before thought.

You see? You started out life in accordance to God's will, you were pure bliss, you didn't even know you existed. And later on, you started clinging to things being some certain way and not some other way, thus ego was born, and so here you are.

Welcome back!


Edited by Truth Addict

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Why perceive God as separate from yourself? The determinism vs. free will argument is only irreconcilable if your perceive yourself as a separate thing from the rest. They are actually one and the same. 

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2 hours ago, FoxFoxFox said:

Why perceive God as separate from yourself?

Where did you see that?

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Well that's what i get from your writing. Any time people try to talk about God objectively it only has the effect of creating a separation. I'm specifically talking about "Dying as ego, living as God" part. 

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2 minutes ago, FoxFoxFox said:

I'm specifically talking about "Dying as ego, living as God" part. 

I chose to say "remain as God" because I thought it was a better put than "live as God".

The ego is temporary, God isn't. The ego dies, and God doesn't. That's what I meant to say.

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8 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

The ego is temporary, God isn't. The ego dies, and God doesn't. That's what I meant to say.

This seems to assert that there is an ego and there is a God - and that they are two different things. 

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53 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

I chose to say "remain as God" because I thought it was a better put than "live as God".

The ego is temporary, God isn't. The ego dies, and God doesn't. That's what I meant to say.

Well that is still not true imo. I get the impression that many people believe that Ego hides the Self in some shape or form, and only if you see through that you'd be liberated. I completely disagree with this notion, because going by that logic, that is ego trying to see through itself (part trying to understand the whole) which is nonsensical. There really is no illusion. 

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Well, true. But then how are you going to communicate that with someone who doesn't understand what you're talking about?

The only way out of the mind is awareness/observation. I know. But I had to use duality for the sake of writing this thread.

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@Truth Addict 


The only way out of the mind is awareness/observation.

See that's again the same thing imo. There's no in or out. There's an active mind and there's an inactive mind. Neither is more truthful than the other. It's all one unified Self. 

If i were to really help people, i would work with them individually to reconcile their demons so they can have a happy life. Anything else comes off to me as complex attempts at self-repression or expansion. 

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6 hours ago, FoxFoxFox said:

@Truth Addict 

If i were to really help people, i would work with them individually to reconcile their demons so they can have a happy life. Anything else comes off to me as complex attempts at self-repression or expansion. 

So everything we say here is pointless?

Edited by Truth Addict

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@Truth Addict Not if you feel otherwise. If you feel your life has subjectively improved what's shared here then that is at least some "use". However this requires critical thinking which in some cases is quite difficult or impossible without the help of an outside observer. 

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6 minutes ago, FoxFoxFox said:

@Truth Addict Not if you feel otherwise. If you feel your life has subjectively improved what's shared here then that is at least some "use". However this requires critical thinking which in some cases is quite difficult or impossible without the help of an outside observer. 


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