
How do you deal with numbness during meditation?

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How do you guys do long sits without your legs getting numb? Because everytime I meditate for 30+ minutes or even less my right leg goes completely numb, I've tried so many positions and it keeps happening. I find it quite easy to meditate, my only problem is the numbness. What's the sollution? I've only been meditating for like 3 weeks so Is it something you get used to? Do I need to improve my flexibility?

Edited by Cody_Atzori

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Change the legs maybe :)

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@Cody_Atzori use pillows around your legs, make yourself comfortable as possible. You don't need to sit in a full lotus pose for meditation. I would recommend buying a moon shaped zafu which helps a lot


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@Cody_Atzori  I Suffer form this as well, lately i just try to ignore it.

Try to find a position where this problem decrease.

For me the numbness decreases when my upper body is above the legs, higher. Give it a try sitting with one more pillow. 

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I have a buckwheat mediation cushion, also I put a blanket under my legs and I take a break from the position and hug my legs to my chest in the middle of meditation when they fall asleep. Hip opening yoga and stretching helps too, I'm a runner so that kills my flexibility but running is a powerful kind of mediation too so it's worth it. 

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Helpful to me: raise the sitting position, change position, yin yoga. I used to sit through numbness and tingles, yet no more. It takes a toll on the body. 

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@Cody_Atzori i think your body will adjust the more you do it.  But that's sort of a good problem to even have - it means you are putting the time in.  Its Ok to get up and walk around and then get back into meditating again and go again.


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Draw your awareness into your body. It sounds counter intuitive but its not. Try not to resist. I feel like the best breakthroughs happen when you sit through a pain or an itch.    

Embrace the pain it is the only way.-Oenomaus

Edited by Solonius

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@Wasem really? whilst in the meditation position as it's happening? 

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