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Meditation and insomnia

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Hi everyone, I started practicing meditation on nothing .. following leo's videos, it's been almost 2 months since I started and in the last 2 weeks I can't fall asleep anymore, if it doesn't have late morning .. I can just sleep at all .. can anyone help me? I feel alone in this trip, but maybe with an opinion of someone expert I can get better I hope :)

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Are you tired but cant sleep or are you trying to go to sleep forcefully? Sometimes i do not sleep either, meditation can be just as regenerative as sleep.

Follow and listen to your body and try to be physically active during the day and exercise enough so the body requires rest.


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Usually i try to go sleep forcefully,but instead my body don’t feel the urgence, i Was wondering if is normal..since i do cardiac coherence and meditation on Nothing during the day.

Can be possibile i release a lot of energy and is actually healing me in this way?

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@Fede83 I had the same problem for a while. I found that the more I was meditating I was permeating layers and layers of emotions, deep issues and thoughts.These come to the surface as you let them go and seemingly played havoc with my sleep. 

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I've had this before. There is potentially stuff underneath you are uncovering and it causes this. I would recommend not meditating before bed or addressing this stuff at night unless you feel confident you can see yourself through it and get yourself to a place you can fall asleep.

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