
Tourette's Syndrome

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I was wondering if there are others here who have Tourette's Syndrome, or any other mild tics, and what your story is. 

With me, it started when I was about 8 years old. It got worse and worse up until the point I got punished by teachers because they thought I was doing it on purpose. Eventually I learned to suppress my tics. This was very stressful and depressing for me. When I came home from school each day and no one was around I just went crazy. Letting out all of the tics I suppressed during the day. My tics were just vocal sounds, it's not like I was shouting insults (only a very small unfortunate % does this).

What just bugged my mind is that once all my friends, parents, teachers and my girlfriend accepted the fact I had these tics. They would disappear. And, as soon as I went to a new school or I was with new people, It would come back for a few months. Until, again, I explained it to each and every one of them and they'd accept it then it would disappear again. Off course there were these few bullies who took advantage of the weakling they perceived me to be. But I learned from that. They inspired me to "outdo" them en every way possible (fitness, school, girls..) and this pissed them off so much, especially the girls part. When I got older I just didn't have anyone bullying me anymore, other people matured and I was able to disarm these bullies (I was already into psychology). I became a pretty liked guy.

Now, 21, I still have some of these tics. They change over time, sometimes they're away sometimes they come back. It's very hard to resist them, it's like trying not to sneeze. It is possible, but it requires your full attention every few seconds. Do you think it's healthy to suppress these tics? I'm now meditating a lot and it makes suppressing them a little bit easier. But it's so stressful and tiring...

I hope to find others here who have experience with tics. How do you handle it? What's your story? Did you try meditating? What's your mindset towards it?

If there's no one who can relate that's ok, it felt good just writing this down ^^

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@Displayname i saw a movie on this,  and reading your story got me emotional..  I am really pleased that you have so much courage and I've drawn inspiration from this post of yours...

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@Displayname ,

what about not suppressing them? What would happen then? What about just letting them flow? Just watching them with your full compassion and understanding. Think about them as little kids playing around. Would you stop them? Why? How? For how long? 

Fortunately, we live in a society that has a lot of information at hand to get educated. So think about it this way: This is the way LIFE has decided to keep you away from people that are not supposed to be near you. 

Try that, experiment with it first in a confined environment - your room or bathroom. Discover the triggers if there are any and embrace them fully. Thank them, love them to death. 




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8 hours ago, Ayla said:

This is the way LIFE has decided to keep you away from people that are not supposed to be near you. 

You literally made me cry...  It's such an awesome frame and it's been so true throughout my life, I've never thought of this before. Thank you.
It has been so easy for me to spot out people with a big heart and a lot of empathy. "Cruel" people immediately showed their true nature. Allowing me to stay away from them and give them none of my trust or anything.

There's been this girl I've been with for 2.5 years, she got to know me in a period I didn't have these tics. When a short period later my tics emerged again she showed full understanding. Me explaining this to her was one of my most fearful moments I've ever had. It went away for a few months after I told her.

Thank you @Ayla

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