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Team work and creative differences

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How would you manage a band or something similar?
I am in a band and have this problem - I always get in fights with 1 guy in the band :) I have  a vision, he has a different vision for some detail, or direction of a song. 
Don't know - if i stand my ground too many times - it sometimes feels like I only want what i want and it seems maybe egoistic and too individualistic. But watching Leo's videos - I can say I have a strong vision and I feel that I am losing my self if I change something that I like about the song just for the sake of team peace and preserving democracy.


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Why don’t you take charge of one song and let him do another song. Listen to each other’s feedback but only one person can make the final call that relates to their song. You can’t really boss someone unless you have some kind of power over them (eg. can fire them, don’t give pay rise etc) and even then it’s hard to make people do what you want them to do when they don’t really want to do it.

I have an opinion on everything :D

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I am trying,  it's hard :)

I wanted to see how people here, or Leo would approach a subject as team work - somehow all of the videos are oriented on individual working on himself - and that's great. 
Team work has it's challenges.

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