
How to hit on girls in a party

6 posts in this topic

Tonight is a schoolparty I have been waiting for for a long time. I just finished working out, so I am pretty tired.

I have some kind of flow with some girls and have an eye on one specific girl. I just don't know how to approach any of them when we are dancing and the music is killing our ears.


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Don't hesitate. 

If you like someone, go talk to her the moment you see an opportunity. 

Don't rationalize your way out of approaching her. Take the risk. Rejection is always better than regret. 


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@Ampresus try and find the strength in yourself to summon the courage to approach her and tell her how you feel, I know my comment is late so the party would have already finished, but that is my advice for the future, just simple, as real as you can get, if you feel scared just try your hardest to do it, I understand it can be awkward beyond belief in the situation of a party as it feels like everyone is watching you sometimes, but only you can do it. If it is too loud try your best to take her somewhere where you can talk properly, keep your eyes peeled for each opportunity!

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