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Leo's blog post of fractal life

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Awe-inspired at how beautiful it is to watch xD that is potentially the most beautiful thing, i have ever seen in my whole life consciously

What do other people think? i couldn't quite work out what he was pointing to 

all i saw was a roots growing, but it just looked beautiful to me

so i was wondering what everyone else thought he meant


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expanding to unconditionally love itself by design, that means the whole point of creation is LOVE. 


love = existence

love = everything and nothing 

so love = truth

the inefferable is love xD

existence is love, the point of existence is for it to love itself 

by discovering its true nature is love

it creates duality (expansion) ,so that it can love itself (re-unite/ collapsion) 

that means nirvana is true unconditional love 

and that means nirvana is the biggest bliss/ enlightenment / anything that you can feel as a human being 

because its becoming god 

LOL but that still doesn't excuse you from taking part in the process of love and expansion because you are still existence/ineffiable/ love itself :P 

case solved, time to grab a beer 

to redifine, nirvana is true unconditional love

god is infinite love ahaha the end. 

Edited by Aakash

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want to align yourself with god? 

align yourself with whatever you love and are passionate about, WHATEVER that is as your individual sense of self. 

case solved 

when you become god you will be working on behalf of all creation, until then do what you feel like doing 

as you discover your LP it will unveil like a layer of onion, 

because you will be aligning it with true unconditional love and therefore your life purpose will expand without even thinking about it 


LOL. want to live the best life? 

simple .... expand your consciousness and it'll take you to love and that will take you to happiness and joy and eventually bliss

get lost in anything of restriction , money, sex it's okay to do these things, but they will limit your overall projection what is possible 

its up to you really its all unconditional

LOVE the force of nature 

yoda was wise

Edited by Aakash

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ahahaha all actions and everything thats ever happened 

is a form of love, no matter what way you look at it 

unconditional love , is the unconscious love for love of what ever it is you love 

its all designed for LOVE 

lol life is a love simulator aahaha  

Edited by Aakash

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The catch is: 

                                             ITS INFINITE! 



Edited by Aakash

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