
The forgotten wisdom of trees

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there is a documentary called "Call of the Forest" that is currently free until July 15th on the link below. Thought some of you might like it. The past few days ive been getting nonstop tree wisdom hints and i feel like im getting called by them. To think i walk pass them everyday, not aware that the single reason any of this exists is due to their presence. Imagine no forum, no internet, no cities, no houses, no humans. Sounds hippie-ish but thank a tree haha. The last few minutes of the documentary is mentioned that if every human being planted a NATIVE tree in a native space once a year for 6 years straight, climate change /global warming would not be an issue.

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Taking one's shoes off and hugging a tree for half an hour can be  powerful remedy for acute distress and anxiety. 

Being in nature also allows for an energetic rebelancing. Nature being full of positively charged ions will balance the excess of negative ions produced inside of our bodies by basic metabolic processes and free radical damage. As such spending time in nature on daily basis with as little clothes as (legally and humanely) possible is a good way to maintain good energetic balance / chi circulation / flow of lifeforce...its all the same :)

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its laughable at how disconnected we are from nature. Yet we are nature. Were trying to escape the inescapable xD 

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I literally feel all the static electricity neutralized from my body the second i am grounded.


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@moon777light I resonate with trees too. Not in a “isn’t that a pretty tree” kind of way. It’s more of a connection. An essence. Like a sixth sense. Closer to a feeling than a thought. Almost like they have a personality. Yet if I start thinking about it and try to make sense of it, I lose it. It’s like I need to be a child again and just be it. 

I was in South Carolina last week walking through trees with glorious Spanish Moss. It gave the trees a cool personality. 

Nature is amazing. It has no agenda or expectations.  It simply IS. A natural teacher and healer.

Off I go to dissolve in the magical forest now. . . ?‍♀️ ? 

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2 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

I resonate with trees too. Not in a “isn’t that a pretty tree” kind of way. It’s more of a connection. An essence. Like a sixth sense. Closer to a feeling than a thought. Almost like they have a personality. Yet if I start thinking about it and try to make sense of it, I lose it. It’s like I need to be a child again and just be it. 

Me to dude. Exactly the same! ♥️

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My stage orange friend actually works in the team that does research on plant communication, but he is not a hippie at all, he is quite the opposite quite a funny guy :D 

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@moon777light  Just finished the documentary at your recommendation and it was awesome.  It seemed boring at first, but I got into it. I feel a heightened appreciation for trees now.

The kingdom of heaven is within.

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Wow thank you very much for the link! So beautiful.

The trees are connected to the earth, to the air, to the oceans, lakes, and rivers. The fire that burns them down is inside all of us. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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Its nice to see more and more people become aware of the "aliveness" in life. Everything is alive/aware in someway, shape/form.


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12 hours ago, pluto said:

Its nice to see more and more people become aware of the "aliveness" in life. Everything is alive/aware in someway, shape/form.

Last week, I was walking along a beach with my 7 yr. old niece. We were looking at the shells and stones in the sand. I picked up a few pretty stones to bring home with me, yet then I felt something odd. The stones felt alive. It felt like I was taking the stones away from their friends and family on the beach. I felt sad and put them back on the beach. I told my niece and she said "Yea, sometimes I feel that too.". . . I thought about how I wouldn't have shared that feeling with another adult, since it would have appeared "weird". Yet a 7 yr. old child still "gets it". . . Unfortunately, that type of connection with our environment gets conditioned out of us as we "grow up".

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@Natasha thanks for the video, loved it <3 

@OctagonOctopus your very welcome :D 

@Serotoninluv ha! interesting, yesterday i was at the beach and found a tiny sea snail's shell that had the most beautiful Mother of Pearl lining inside, usually i take such things home with me, but something told me to leave it be. Children are amazing and we can learn so much from them.

I used to hike up Kennesaw mountain and just observe the trees standing on the steep slopes, and id get some weird mix of energy and peacefulness

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1 hour ago, moon777light said:

@Serotoninluv ha! interesting, yesterday i was at the beach and found a tiny sea snail's shell that had the most beautiful Mother of Pearl lining inside, usually i take such things home with me, but something told me to leave it be.

This reminds me of yesterday while I was hiking through a forest. I stopped to see two butterflies dancing together in the air on on plants. It was such a beautiful dance. I suddenly felt urgency to get my camera and "capture" this beautiful moment. Then I let it go and just admired them. It seemed like I appreciated it even more, knowing it was temporary and would soon vanish. 

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Thank you so much for sharing this video, I resonated with this on such a personal level. I live in a tiny town surrounded by hundreds of conservation land. Until the 60's, the rivers were very polluted until a woman almost single-handedly convinced the Massachusetts politicians to create a Clean Water Act. This woman, Marion Stoddart (the coolest 90-year-old I have ever met), and her work became a catalyst for the Clean Water Act on a national level.

On a more personal level, my father, who is by no means a hippie, and I have replenished the property I live on which was once full of trash and plastic. We plant saplings, wildflowers, and fruit to attract animals. It's kind of turned into a wildlife sanctuary because no one would dare kill a bunny, duck, or ground hog in our yard.

The forest has become a refuge and a peaceful place to reset from the rest of the world. The documentary talks about forest-bathing and man, if you have ever come out of a meditative walk in the woods, you know EXACTLY what she means. Protecting our planet is not some "crunch granola hippie crap" that I am told very often. It is vital. It is both self-less and self-fulfilling. When it comes down to it, your motivations for planting a tree (for your health or someone else's) doesn't matter. What matters is that is must be done. So plant an apple tree, or a blueberry bush, or save a root from a random cut down. Or at the very least, experience what true magic nature provides.


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@Serotoninluv Indeed. See what our world failed to understand is that our children are not here for us to teach them, they are here to teach and remind us of our truth and spirit, we are here to simply guide and introduce them into this world, while they keep us (by their behavior) Which is Enlightened, in reminder of who and what we truly are. They just came from source, from spirit, from oneness.

Based on Bruce Lipton's work, the first 7 years of the child's life are most important that shapes and directs the rest of their lives as the first 7 years is when their consciousness is "mapping" everything out. Those first 7 years need minimal interference by the outside conditioned world and simply conscious parents to guide them from danger, hazards and such.

Aristotle once said, “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”


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