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Depleted when among People

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Many introverts get energetically depleted when among people. To what extend is it possible to change this? If someone is very introverted and starts socializing a lot, moves up on spiral dynamics and gets deeply enlightened, (one will obvioulsy get extremely good at interacting with people, but) will one actually be able to stay energetically unaffected by interacting? Or is this aspect of introversion/extroversion  too much ingrained in our genetics such that it can't be changed? 

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What you can do is instead of buying into the belief system that everything depletes you, work on yourself further so you can know thyself at a deeper level so you actually start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies of others around you. When you start imprinting your own intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from others, everything changes.


Be an Emitter not an Absorber.


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