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Achieving confidence throw spirituality

9 posts in this topic

So my objective is to become as confident as possible. I have found that the best way to do so is by improving my self esteem/worth. Lately I have been making huge improvements in my self acceptance and has helped reduce self doubt. However as a result my ego is shrinking and this is not what I want my objective is to shift from an insecure ego to a more secure ego and not to dissolve it. Is it possible to increase my self love/acceptance without shrinking my ego ? Are they inextricably linked as in does an improvement in self acceptance only occur if the ego is dissolved or is it theoretically possible to be more accepting of myself and also keep my ego or grow it throw doing things that feed my ego ? Could anyone suggest to me a possible way to feed my ego effectively ? Im aware that this is uncommon especially on a forum that is focused on ego dissolution but your help would be much appreciated. Thanks    

Edited by hyrozz12
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What a horrible trait you are striving to develop. Being so sure and confident about all your bullshit as if we needed more of that in this world, ugh.. Don't you think it would be better if you strived to increase your perception instead, acting not out of confidence but out of what you see ?

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2 hours ago, Tetcher said:

What a horrible trait you are striving to develop. Being so sure and confident about all your bullshit as if we needed more of that in this world, ugh.. Don't you think it would be better if you strived to increase your perception instead, acting not out of confidence but out of what you see ?

I don't know if that's @hyrozz12 's problem, since I don't really know what he means by some of the words he uses, but good point, you need confidence AND understanding, alongside with purity and creativity.

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@Tetcher I disagree I don't think having an ego is necessarily a bad things. An insecure self image can lead to things such as arrogance and other unwanted behaviour but a secure ego backed up with feelings of worthiness and self acceptance is very healthy and leads to genuine confidence without feeling the need to prove yourself or put others down.   

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1 hour ago, bejapuskas said:

@hyrozz12  So what does it mean for you, that you ego shrinks? That you are more selfless?

No more that I am loosing a sense of attachment to things such as goals because I ask myself whats the point anyway. 

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@hyrozz12  Attachments create suffering, you can feel it if you are conscious enough. They actually really hurt deep inside. You can still work on your career and contribute humanity even if you are not attached to your work. 

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