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Thoughts on Leo's video, Tapping Into Collective Consciousness

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I just finished listening to Leo's video on his blog from yesterday. I had an insight yesterday while running that "I want to see how Source sees." I realized when watching Leo's video that this is exactly what he means in different words, aligning with the will of God. During meditation recently, I realized that when I completely lose presence and think "I" thoughts I unconsciously rub my eyes. This morning I realized the symbolic connection between rubbing my eyes and wanting to see how Source "sees". 

Leo mentioned toward the end of the video the vision and inspiration that mystic or Gnostic Christianity has compared to that of Buddhism. If you've read many of my posts you probably know that I was raised Christian and very devout as a child and recently had a revival after an awakening. I'm very sorry if I got on your nerves during that time. xD I've made a lot of progress integrating the awakening and I had the insight after finding an empty humpty dumpty chip bag (litter gives me lots of great insights) that all religions, and all creation itself is the truth scattered. Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall is a metaphor for the creation of the universe. 

 Just like I found so many missing puzzle pieces when I discovered Buddhism as an adult after only knowing Christianity, studying any religion or tradition with an open mind can be incredibly fruitful. When you are in the stage of finding insights from that newly discovered or rediscovered religion it seems that that religion is superior, but the puzzle piece that you were looking for is only superior to all the rest in the moment that you are looking for it and find it, when the puzzle is whole again, or even from a greater perspective outside of the one's who is doing the puzzle before it is complete, no puzzle piece is greater than any other. 

Loved the video, and am experiencing so much synchronicity watching your videos recently, thanks Leo! 

Anyone else have any thoughts or insights from it that they wanted to share?  



My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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I felt that Leo was spot on with his description of Zen and Buddhism not being a scalable path for humanity. The deeper I go into this work, the more I feel like despite our existential nature being total infinite consciousness/God/whatever words you want to use, there is beauty in the single life we all have. Our singular lives are so fucking infinitely unique.. it’s mind-boggling how rare and sacred the uniqueness actually is. It’s as if the whole cosmos and our existential nature = infinity/1 and our individual human life = 1/infinity. In the end though, infinity and 0 actually are the same, and in this way, the single life of every being and perspective is just as infinite as the universe itself through it’s total uniqueness. This is also the bridge between life purpose and enlightenment and it made me really happy hearing Leo discuss this connection. It’s been something Ive been contemplating a lot. There’s nothing wrong with Zen, it is the path for some and has so much wisdom, but if humanity is to awaken at large, we need something else. 


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The theme of the upcoming videos:


Something does not feel right to me.

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