
The Empty Nothing

8 posts in this topic

I just watched the Neti Neti video and it was extremely helpful. So much so that I really felt something towards the end close to an enlightenment experience and it got me thinking.

So what happens when I die? And what was before I was born? If nothingness has awareness, does that not make it a thing? How can it really be properly aware if it has no senses?

If a robot was to be created capable of all the senses and thoughts a human can have, would it also be this empty nothingness existentially? And would that imply then that all things, rocks, cars, trees are also this empty nothingness?

I kind of understand this truth of no self and empty nothing but I just couldn't help but ask these questions. Then again, if I have to ask these questions, maybe I don't understand it at all.


Can this please be moved to the enlightenment section? I put it here by mistake.



Edited by Shaun

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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You can't understand nothingness, because it is nothingness. You can accept nothingness but it can't truly be understood. It's impossible to understand nothingness, because it's nothingness.

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It's pretty dangerous to even talk about it. The more enlightenment concepts that are ricocheting inside your mind, the harder it is to get enlightened.

Even what I just said in itself is already concept.

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16 hours ago, Shaun said:

I just watched the Neti Neti video and it was extremely helpful. So much so that I really felt something towards the end close to an enlightenment experience and it got me thinking.

So what happens when I die? And what was before I was born? If nothingness has awareness, does that not make it a thing? How can it really be properly aware if it has no senses?

If a robot was to be created capable of all the senses and thoughts a human can have, would it also be this empty nothingness existentially? And would that imply then that all things, rocks, cars, trees are also this empty nothingness?

I kind of understand this truth of no self and empty nothing but I just couldn't help but ask these questions. Then again, if I have to ask these questions, maybe I don't understand it at all.


Can this please be moved to the enlightenment section? I put it here by mistake.



I think this subject is rationalized by too many establishing too many doctrines and philosophies.  I dont feel that I am nothing, to me that is nonsense, I as consciousness, created this body to play in, experience this physical dimension,  Consciousness is the ground of all being, all things, all matter is the result of consciousness,  consciousness is intelligent, powerful, source of all life, to say it is nothing is total nonsense, but i understand also that some say that to help humans realize that the body is just and extension of consciousness. Even your scientist today dont understand nor can define consciousness and the reason for that is they have not become self realized and are not experiencing consciousness on a level that they can understand it.  Your body dies when consciousness leaves it, it comes to life when consciousness enters it, consciousness has been evolving for ages.  You are the product of the evolution of the consciousness within.  Consciousness has brought you to where you are and the little world around you that it has created.  Consciousness became so attached to the human identity that it created that it came to believe that it was the identity, this resulted in a disassociation from its true state of being, but for some few consciousness begins to awaken and becomes self realized and retains its true state of being again, some will say that happens for everyone but they dont know that, it is merely speculation and philosophy, what we know for sure is a few awaken from the dream in any given generation, to go beyond that is nonsense and speculation. It takes the experience of self realization to understand this in a real way, otherwise it is just speculation, and hearsay.

No one, no teaching, no teacher can take you to self realization, it is something that happens by you, and you alone.  There is no path to lead you, there are only things that can help you become more aware of the process you have been going through and what you might experience through this.

I remember many years ago, one night i stood in the darkness, saw myself standing on the edge of a cliff, looking into a void that i could not even see into, i became aware that to find what i was seeking i would have to take the leap, i jumped into that dark void, two years later my world had changed and so had I, it would never be the same again.  Desire to know the reality of who and what you are and what life is about is the key to achieving self realization and liberation, without it, you go no where, just a dead end road of philosophies, doctrines, religions, and false teachers.  Consciousness must awaken within you to this, if there is any desire there for this, do everything that you can to strengthen that desire and do it within in the space of your true being, because desire is the key to liberation.

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5 hours ago, charlie2dogs said:

I remember many years ago, one night i stood in the darkness, saw myself standing on the edge of a cliff, looking into a void that i could not even see into, i became aware that to find what i was seeking i would have to take the leap, i jumped into that dark void, two years later my world had changed and so had I, it would never be the same again.

Can you elaborate on this? 

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Thanks for giving me a greater insight if you could call it that. Does anyone believe that this universal consciousness ultimately has a creator? Or is it just eternal and infinite and was never created?

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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1 hour ago, Corte said:

Can you elaborate on this? 

I will try, i had reached a place in personal growth to where i was i felt like it was going no place, it had made me a better person, very responsible in my actions with others, but there was something missing and at the time i knew it existed but couldn't touch it, I knew about self realization but i also knew that i wasn't there and i was tired and wore out being the identity and the problems and consequences it was creating. I wanted liberation.  That night i had reached the place where it had to change, and the only way i can describe the surrender and the desperation i was in, i was standing on the cliff looking into the darkness, the unknown, this is what i was seeing within myself, and I literally jumped into the unknown surrendering to the source of life itself to become something else or die,  I wanted more or i didnt want to continue living as a human identity,  I spent a great deal of time, forcing myself to live in the moment of life in a conscious state of awareness in the months that followed and at some point during the next few months that followed a transition happened.  I remember the moment and the feeling when i realized that i had become a being of consciousness, seeing life from the real me inside of this body, then i understood what a great teacher had told me once before, he used the chakras to explain the transition from the identity to the self, he told me that when i reached the third eye, there would be no teacher, no guide, no road map that could take me to the crown chakra, i didnt understand it then, but when the transition occurred for me, i knew then what he meant after having the experience.  A good teacher can help you to the door, but you have to open that door and enter into the kingdom of your own being. This is all i can tell you about the part you are asking about.  There were many years of work and experience that led up to this, which was part of an awakening, contemplating myself, my life, what i was doing, what i was gaining, why i was doing what i was doing, how it was affecting others, observing my own self, feelings, actions, thoughts, words, and the affect it was having on me an others, all of that brought me to the cliff that night, and i knew i had to fully surrender.  The night i realized that i had transitioned, i had an experience, i saw myself climbing a mountain, and when i got to the top and looked over, the words of Martin Luther King came to my mind, Free at Last Free at last and it was a highly emotionally charged moment to know what had just happened.  I hope this answers your question, its the best i can do at explaining it.

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@charlie2dogs  Thank you for your words.

It`s truly inspiring and from the heart. It makes me humble and at peace.

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