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Sri Ramana Maharshi

Ancient Wisdom, New Spirit...

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I just e-purchased Peter Ralston's "Ancient Wisdom, New Spirit: Investigations into the nature of "being"


Not even through the introduction, and I can already Whole Heartedly recommend this to anyone who has mastered or enjoyed the material/practices contained within the trilogy starting with The Book of Not Knowing.

Of course, the usual disclaimer applies... Yours truly (whatever the fuck that means?) is not affiliated with Peter Ralston in any personal or subjective way. Exchanged 2 brief emails with him in the past, simply thanking him for sharing the Wisdom and Practices in his books, but I've never had the experience of stepping into his "dojo", Ontology workshops, and unfortunately no Cheng Hsin retreats, diads, etc. Of course really, if you master the stuff in "The Genius of Being" there is literally Nothing left. Oh shit. lol.

In any case. Perhaps I'll report again after finishing this excellent material, which constitutes some of Peter's studies prior to writing the Trilogy.

It does seem to be true that the dude is so skilled, if one cogitates too rapidly, you could probably fall easily into Ad Hominem and create a pedestal problem/trap. Perhaps it's why I never ponied up the scratch and paid for a few weeks at Cheng Hsin. ...but this is already a multiple digression. This ain't no Leo video, and I ain't got 3 hours to keep typing and yappin.

Good book packed with more Spirit than ya can shake a snake, wait.. no stick at.


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