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Charles & Cindy - A ♥️ Story

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You think Up a Story in your mind.

Not written out but you play it in your mind.

A love story...

You think up a character and you, yourself have the point of view of the world with that character. Say, Charles. In this imaginary world, you live and interact with others and the world as Charles.

Now you think up other aspects of his life and so on... You go so much in depth and then you string up a Love affair for Charles with Cindy

They both fall in Love deeply.

All this being thought up by you.

The longing Charles feels to be with Cindy whenever they are apart in this imaginary world in your head is so intense and powerful as they are totally in Love.

You get so deeply engrossed in this that you forget you are you and instead think that you are Charles...

And one day, in the story in your head, Charles and Cindy are far apart and Charles longing for Cindy's love is so deep that it is hurting him... He's deeply suffering from it...

And then,

In an instant you recall and snap out of the context of your story/imagination in your mind. You remember you're imagining it all up ! this play of Charles and Cindy!

You also simultaneously understand that Charles' loves for Cindy is nothing but your love for yourself for you are also Cindy! And all other characters you thought up during that imagination/dream. You're the entire cosmos which Charles is a part of. And you exist in the universe and interact with via Charles' eyes and body.

With this sudden clarity, beyond doubt, you're then able to live and create the story as you please.

You now remember and live by the knowledge of your true place in Charles' world...  See and know that you are the creator... Intimately in and as Charles in his world while simultaneously out of his World. ♥


Be still and KNOW I Am God.

Love Is The Answer

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